Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Mid-November Hodgepodge

Lovely graphic from
Wednesday again, so that means it's time for the Hodgepodge with Joyce and friends at From This Side of the Pond.  Head on over and get the questions, answer them on your own blog and then on back over to Joyce's to link up!   Here are the questions for this week:

1. What takes you out of your comfort zone?

Lots of things!  Probably too many to count.  I tend to have a very narrow comfort zone, I guess. 

2. Your least favorite spice?

Hmmm .... we're talking spices, right?  Not herbs?  I can think of a number of herbs that aren't my favorite.  But off the top of my head, I have to say that I like most spices.

3. What's a small change you'd like to make?

I'm trying to think of a small change.  Seems like many of the changes  I have in mind (especially in regard to the house, say, or lifestyle changes) are big.

4. Do you enjoy visiting historic homes? If so, of the homes you've visited which one was your favorite? What historic home near you is open to visitors? Have you been?

I do enjoy visiting historic homes, and probably of the ones I've visited I've liked Green Gables and other L.M.Montgomery sites the best.  Another favorite was Orchard House in Concord, MA (Louisa May Alcott's childhood home).  There are a few different historic homes in our state, including a number at Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth, NH (which I have visited, but it's been years).  There are many in our state that I have not visited.
 Southern Living rounded up eleven of the best in the southern part 
of the US and they're as follows-

Monticello (Jefferson's home in Virginia), Nathaniel Russel House (Charleston SC), Swan House (Atlanta), Ernest Hemingway's home (Key West), The Biltmore (Vanderbilt home in Asheville NC), Mount Vernon (Washington's home in Virgina), San Francisco Plantation (Garyville, Louisiana), Windsor Ruins (Port Gibson Mississippi), Longue Vue House and Gardens (New Orleans), Whitehall (Palm Beach FL), and Pebble Hill Plantation (Thomasville GA)

Have you been to any on the list? Of the homes listed which would you most like to visit?

Pretty sure the only one I've visited on this list is Mount Vernon.  I think of those on this list, I would most like to visit The Biltmore.  The home below is a house from my own history ... my grandmother's house. 

5. What's something you think will be obsolete in ten years? Does that make you sad or glad?

I hope this isn't something that will actually happen, but it sometimes seems that good manners and common courtesy (not to mention common sense) could become obsolete any day now.   Obviously, that makes me sad and very concerned for our society. 

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

First real snow of the season yesterday.  I am not ready for this.  We got about an inch and it is still on the ground, but the weather is supposed to warm up, so I hope it won't stay.
Taken through my living room window during the snowstorm


  1. You've already had snow? Yikes!! Don't send it my way. Enjoy your week.

    1. Yes, and more snow is falling today. I doubt it is here to stay, but one never knows. You have a great week, too, Katie!

  2. The snow is lovely, but it seems a bit early. Maybe it will come and leave quickly. I love your grandmother's house. Quite a beauty!

    1. That's what I'm hoping, too, Sandy. Yes, my grandmother's house -- just lovely. We always loved Christmas and Thanksgiving at the big white farmhouse!

  3. I'm not a fan of winter either, and my comfort zone probably matches yours. Lol. I would like to visit PEI about it's so far away and not easy to get there. :-) Enjoyed your leaf photos!!

    1. I suppose it would, logistically, be quite a bit more trouble for you to get to PEI than to England. Odd but very likely true!
      We've been to PEI a half dozen times, but of course we are within a decent (though not easy) driving distance. We'd love to go back and visit again someday.

  4. A delightful post, my friend. And I must say that I know where you're coming from about the good manners and common's kind of scary to think about!

    Enjoy this beautiful holiday season. Hugs to you!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! It's always a delight to have you visit! Hugs to you also, my friend!

  5. You show up as a 'No Reply Blogger,' so I'll answer your question here: Red Pepper. :-)) You did notice that they're all in alphabetical order. Have a wonderful day!

    1. I almost guessed Cayenne Pepper, because that's what it looked like. Guess I would have been almost right!

  6. That first snow was early and shocking here, too. I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge this week. Hope the rest of your week goes well.

    1. Snowing here again today, Ellen. Actually, it's raining right now but it has been snowing. I'm just not ready!

  7. I really like the photo taken through the screen! Like you, I also am afraid that society is becoming so lack of good manners and just plain consideration and respect for one makes me quite sad, actually. I could also use a couple (many actually) of lifestyle changes...but starting with bread and sugar is where it should start for me since I know I can do it again...I just gotta DO IT! :D

    1. I just wasn't sure about the photo taken through the screen, so I am tickled that you like it. I just didn't want to get my tablet screen wet, so that's why I took the photo from inside.

      It is very sad, the turn our society has taken over the years. There is such a lack of consideration and respect, as you said.

      I definitely could do with some changes in the lifestyle department, but I would not call them small changes!

  8. Oh your grandmother’s home reminds me somehow of the Walton’s set home. Charming! Civility...yes, I fear that it is nearly gone...very sad. Our snow didn’t last the day, though I still have a wee pile of it.

    1. Oh, thank you, Vee! Yes, it was a charming home and my grandmother a truly amazing woman. She was definitely my inspiration in regard to decorating for the holidays.

      We have snow here again today. Raining now, though, and warmer, so who knows if it will last?

  9. I hoped that too, but today we are having alternating snow and rain again. Quite a bit more accumulation than I was thinking it would be. We will see! It's supposed to warm up a bit this afternoon, so I guess it *could* melt.


Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my kitchen table! I love company here in my kitchen, so be sure to leave a comment so I'll know you've visited! I'll answer your questions and comments here on the blog unless you request otherwise.