Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday five


 Just a quick Friday five today because I really do intend to post more than once a week!

1.  Getting out for a walk with a friend three times this week.  What a blessing!

A scene from our walking route -- in a previous year

2.  Having our neighbors come over to our cottage for a campfire and dessert.  So good to get to know them a little better.  I served this S'mores Pizza from Five Heart Home.


3.  Being able to spend part of last Saturday with our dear friends Syd and Cyndy, plus a visiting friend of theirs.  Christian friendship and fellowship is such a rich blessing!

4.  So looking forward to a ladies retreat at The Wilds of New England this weekend!  Getting to attend this with friends from church and learning from Denise Cunningham will be a huge blessing.


5. Our local daughter's family has been wondering where their cat disappeared to.  He has been gone for eight days, and there's been a large bobcat in their yard.  Early this morning the kitty woke them up by yowling under a window.  I'm no cat lover, but am so thankful he is safe!

I told you it would be quick!  But I'm thankful I could take a few minutes to post!

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