Tuesday, November 05, 2013
Goals for week beginning 11/4/2013
Not only is it a new week, it's a new month. And I'm a day late posting these goals. It's looking like somewhat of a disjointed week with work being done on our roof. Not that I mind; it has needed doing for some time. But we are replacing 3 dormer windows at the same time (again, something that has badly needed doing) and so this evening, Mr. T will need to pull off the inside window trim. Needless to say, I am NOT looking forward to this. My crafting desk is in front of one of those windows, and I have totes full of fabric tucked in the dormer nook of another. So things are going to be a bit discombobulated as I get these things temporarily moved while still needing to keep them very accessible for Christmas gift crafting. In addition, I'm concerned that the window trim may remain off for some time; he wants to sand and refinish it before replacing it, and I'm all for that, but it takes time. And his window trim track record is somewhat spotty ...
All that to say that one of my main goals this week is going to be trying to maintain a good attitude and a somewhat neat house in the midst of all this, and remaining very, very thankful that we have a home (when so many are homeless) and that we can afford to have this old roof and inefficient windows replaced. My other tentative goals for this week include:
* Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study
* Work on Sunday School lesson 12
* Make 1 or 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"? notebook
* Memorize 1 Thessalonians 5:18
* Read 1 or 2 chapters in Following God With All Your Heart
* Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows
* Keep up with crafting goals for Christmas
* Keep up a good water intake
* Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
* Post at least four times in my regular blog, and in my Christmas blog as time allows
* Zero in on homemaking tasks in Zone 2, the kitchen
* Spend at least 15 minutes a day reorganizing the many piles, stacks, notebooks and containers full of recipes I've collected over time
* Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do
* Cut out and sew some fall curtains
* Find or make a better weekly to-do list
* Write several encouraging notes to friends and family
* Design and begin a back-on-track challenge in the area of homemaking
* Post some TripAdvisor reviews
* Begin making plans for Thanksgiving
And here is how last week went:
* Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study -- DONE!
* Finish Sunday School lesson 11 -- DONE!
* Make 1 or 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"? notebook -- DONE!
* Memorize Psalm 145:1-5. Not done. I am going to zero in on thankfulness verses this month.
* Read 1 or 2 chapters in Following God With All Your Heart -- DONE!
* Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows -- DONE!
* Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs -- DONE!
* Keep up a good water intake -- DONE!
* Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night -- not done
* Post at least four times in my regular blog, and in my Christmas blog as time allows -- DONE!
* Get a lot of basic homemaking tasks done in various zones of the house, especially zones 4-5 -- I wouldn't say I got "a lot" done; I was out of the house a lot, but did accomplish some things.
* Spend at least 15 minutes a day reorganizing the many piles, stacks, notebooks and containers full of recipes I've collected over time -- not done
* Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do-- DONE!
* Cut out and sew some fall curtains -- not done
* Find or make a better weekly to-do list -- not done
* Write several encouraging notes to friends and family -- DONE!
* Finish up a back-on-track challenge in the area of health and energy -- DONE!
* Post some TripAdvisor reviews -- not done
* Do assorted errands -- DONE!
* Send a birthday package off to a birthday boy in Nevada who is turning 4 -- DONE!
There you have it!
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