Monday, January 29, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday


As usual, there's no time for a long post, but I'm taking a few minutes to join Sandra for this link party over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The Weather:::

 It's 30º and cloudy.  Only 6 mph wind so it feels like 24.  About 8 inches of heavy wet snow fell overnight.  I'm blogging from a tablet so I'm rather challenged with fonts.  So I'll say right here that as I look out the window of the inn at The Wilds of New England, where we're currently working, I see snow  snow, and more snow, on the ground and on every tree, bush, and building.  We tried to take some photos last night.  Those snow laden branches are on a lilac bush!

As I look outside my window:::

Right now I am:::

 Working on a blog post. And simultaneously keeping an eye on the time so I get my lunch preparations completely in a timely way.
Thinking and pondering:::

 Continuing to think on a devotional I studied this morning on the topic of thoroughness.  There are so  many tasks I need to thoroughly complete.  I took some time and organized my massive to-do list into categories and I think that will help me take a more balanced approach to my tasks.  Of course, I won't accomplish much on my list other than some blogging and hopefully some note writing while staying here at TWNE for a few days in Room ⬇

On my bedside table::: 

 A lamp, a books, a water bottle and a wood slice coaster.

 Listening to::: 

Literally, silence.
On the Breakfast plate:::

I do intermittent fasting so don't have breakfast.  We're currently at our volunteer job and I'm cooking for those helping on a remodeling project.  Lunch today is going to be pizza and pasta salad, with a cookie tray for dessert.

On the dinner plate::: 

Ranch House Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Roasted Butternut Squash Cubes, Cranberry Sauce

On the menu for this week::: 

 A few meals on my menu plan:

Tortilla Enchilada Soup
Burger bowls
On my reading pile:::
 Every Ocean Has a Shore, by Jamie Langston Turner, a Christmas gift I'm really enjoying.
Adorned by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
A Step Farther and Higher, by Gail MacDonald
High Call, High Privilege
, also by Gail MacDonald

On my to do list today:::
Spend time cross stitching
Write some thank-you notes
Prepare lunch and dinner for volunteers
Do some planning for later in the week
Work on menu planning and grocery list

Plans for this week:::

Plan menus and make grocery list
Etsy listings
Take a bag to the thrift store
Work on Sunday School lesson 19
Get started with an exercise regimen
Continue 40-day sugar fast
Begin some serious decluttering
Start a pillow quilt
Cook meals for volunteer crew

What I am creating:::
January cross-stitch sampler, plus another wintry cross-stitch intended for a gift
Some "condensation catchers" out of old towels to place behind toilets that sweat in the humidity -- no, I still haven't finished started those! 😕  And I need to do so, because the old towels are just sitting around waiting to be used!   And also because we keep getting sporadic warmer weather and I half expect the toilets to start sweating again.
An older unfinished dishcloth in a more challenging pattern
Need to start a pillow quilt 

Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:::
This quote from Stand Firm, the Daily Grace Co. study on the armor of God :
"What preservation we find through faith in Jesus Christ!  Unwavering faith guards us against the flaming arrows of doubt that Satan throws our way, and it leads us to stand before the throne of God, unblemished by his many throws.  By grace through faith, we are saved from our sins and justified.  God brings us into His family to live in His presence forever, for in Christ's death, justice was served. Christ absorbed the blows of Satan through his death, and emerged victorious in His resurrection.
"We will lose the battle if left to ourselves.  But through faith in Christ, we find hope in a better outcome.  Faith leads us to persevere.  We are no longer exposed and unprotected but are walking forward into the battle of sin with confident hope that God will bring us to the other side."

 This is from the chapter concerning the shield of faith, from Ephesians 6:16.  I'm loving this study.  It's currently on sale for $5, which is an amazing price.  

On my prayer list:::
Friends & family
Church family
Our country
And there's the Happy Homemaker Monday  for this week!


  1. Thank you for sharing this with us today. I love that you are at the retreat center and volunteering there as a cook while others are doing other jobs to help maintain the buildings, etc. What a beautiful place to be, even with all the snow! Sounds like fun to me, even if you do have to work! Your menu sounds good too. And I love the quotes from the Bible Study on "Standing Firm". Yes, where would we be without our faith in Jesus Christ during these turbulent times in our world and even in our own personal closer to home issues. The Armor of God is something we need to be sure to put on each and every day and never put it down. The devil is out there trying his best to hurt us, but with Jesus' covering around us, we are kept safe. Praise God! Have a lovely time!! Enjoy some snow for me.

  2. It's been a crazy week (in a good way) here so I didn't get a post up Monday. I enjoyed reading yours. Love the thoughts on faith. A couple years ago our VBS was on the armor of God and I did a lesson on the shield of faith with the kids. It's still one that I think back on myself.


Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my kitchen table! I love company here in my kitchen, so be sure to leave a comment so I'll know you've visited! I'll answer your questions and comments here on the blog unless you request otherwise.