Monday, July 31, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


 Once again this Monday, I'm taking time to join Sandra for this link party over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The Weather:::

A mostly sunny day!   It's currently 74º and sunny.  Only 49% humidity which isn't bad at all.  There's a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon, though.  Of course.  Seems like the norm lately.  Yesterday though was a gorgeous day with fall-like temps.  A campfire last night at camp actually felt good!

As I look outside my window:::

Everything is still very lush and green from all the rainy weather.   One really delightful bloom which I hope to blog about soon is a pink phlox transplanted from my childhood home to the grounds of our little camp.  These flowers are very special to me, as my mother had transplanted them from her grandparents' farm in Vermont.  My childhood home has been torn down now and last fall, my hubby rescued these flowers from what would have been certain oblivion.

Above are the phlox as they looked in an overgrown garden area at my parents' home.  What I am seeing at our camp is just a few single blooms so far.  But I am ridiculously pleased and excited that they are blooming in their new habitat.  

Right now I am:::

 Working on a blog post.
Thinking and pondering:::
Continuing to ponder  the concept of "outliving one's life" and this quote from an article by Krista Sivnksty in an older Frontline magazine (January/February 2021):

"As Christians .... are we seeking to leave a story that others will remember as blessed?  Are our lives compelling for Him?  Do people, in a way, read our story and sense the need to know God more?"

This week my plans include attending two memorial services and making plans to attend a celebration of life later this month.  Three deaths, three different stories, three legacies.  It all has me pondering -- what story, what legacy will I personally leave?  Will I "outlive my life"?
Above is a summer scene from the Veterans Cemetery in our state.
On my bedside table::: 

 A lamp, three books,  a pen and a jar of lavender-infused oil for helping with insect bites.

On my tv this week::: 

Nothing this week.

 Listening to::: 

A robin singing "Cheerily, cheerily" outside the window. 

On the Breakfast plate:::

I do intermittent fasting so don't have breakfast.  Lunch will be a salad with cubes of turkey and avocado in addition to tomatoes and leaf lettuce..

On the dinner plate::: 

A slow cooker meal featuring kielbasa, potatoes, and green beans
On the menu for this week::: 

I usually plan my menus from Thursday to Thursday, and grocery shop on Friday morning.  A few meals on my menu plan:

Egg bake
Cheeseburger Pie
Fish Chowder
Enchilada skillet
On my reading pile:::
Holy Hygge by Jamie Erickson
We Travel an Appointed Way by A.W. Tozer
The Teaming Church by Robert Crosby
Own Your Life, by Sally Clarkson 

On my to do list today:::
Work on blog posts
Etsy listings
Reply to several personal emails 
Work on Sunday School lesson
Empty wastebaskets

Plans for this week:::

Plan menus and make grocery list
List some notions, patterns, cards, and kids' books on Etsy
Attend two memorial services -- one on Tuesday for a friend's dad, one on Thursday for a church friend
Help with food for the reception following Thursday's service
Take a bag to the thrift store
Work on my Sunday School lesson
Possibly get together with friends
What I am creating:::
January cross-stitch sampler
Crocheting a second red, white and blue hot mat
Some "condensation catchers" out of old towels to place behind toilets that sweat in the humidity -- no, I still haven't finished those! 😕
Need to start a pillow quilt for a granddaughter's gift
Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:::
Yesterday in my Sunday School class, I quoted Nancy Leigh DeMoss (now Wolgemuth) from her book A Place of Quiet Rest.  You can find it on Thriftbooks by clicking the link.  Nancy wrote:
"Our feelings are rarely a reliable gauge of reality ... So it is in our walk with God.  We cannot depend on our feelings.  But our heart's devotion to Him will deepen and grow as we choose to put Him first and invest time in that relationship, regardless of how we feel."

Some of the ladies seemed surprised by this, but it is so true.  If we really want to build a relationship with someone, we will invest the time it takes to get to know them.  It's every bit as true with God!

On my prayer list:::
Friends & family
Church family
Our country
And there's the Happy Homemaker Monday for this week!



  1. My oldest daughter just received a lovely gift bag from her Sunday School class as a going away gift. In the bag was Max Lucado's Book titled Outlive Your Life; it immediately made me think of the article you referenced on the same topic.

    Those flowers are beautiful. I'm trying to figure out if I can take a cutting from my bleeding heart plant to transplant on my gram's grave, as they were one of her favorite flowers. I hope you have wonderful week!

  2. Gorgeous flowers, phlox are some of my favorites! Have a beautiful week!

  3. So nice when we can save flowers and the memories of them like that. I know my brother has some flowers that were growing at my late parents' home. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. That is a wonderful quote regarding our feelings. Oh but our feelings can be so unreliable. A great reminder in that quote. I hope your week ahead includes one or two unexpected blessings!


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