Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Simply the Hodgepodge


 It's Wednesday again, and that means it's time for the Hodgepodge -- the linkup where Joyce, at  From This Side of the Pond, asks the questions and bloggers provide the answers on their own blogs.  I've been MIA from the Hodgepodge for a few weeks but am jumping back in today.  This week's Hodgepodge questions are kind of all over the place.   Here goes:

1. Is your life simple? Elaborate. 

In a way it's very simple.   We are retired and live in our own home in the woods just outside of a small town.  We are blessed to have a getaway place just 15 minutes away.  Life is busy with people and ministry and that, of course, makes it less simple.

2. What simple pleasure are you are currently enjoying?  

Time at our little camp.  It's very simple and basic there, but with a few comforts.  Sort of like glamping I guess.  No internet and no plumbing, but we do have cold water to the kitchen sink, an incinerating toilet, and a gravity feed hot shower.  I'm really amazed, by the way, at the water pressure from that gravity feed. 


Living room end of the camp
Yes, that paint or lack thereof needs attention!  Planned for this summer.

3. Travel by plane or go on a cruise? walk or ride a bike? swim or ski? ocean or mountains? 

I prefer a plane to a cruise.  I like bike riding, but in general prefer walking.  Not a fan of either swimming or skiing, but will say I prefer the lakes in summer to snowy mountains in winter.  I've only ever tried cross-country skiing, not downhill, but loathed it, actually.  Ocean and mountains are both favorite places for me, but if I can only choose one I'll say ocean.

4. What's the last thing you bought online that you really loved? 

Oh, let's see.   I can't think of anything, so I will just say I love being able to order from and have things arrive almost more quickly than going into the store.  We like to buy our vitamin C from Walmart as it's the best price for the brand we like, but our local store is almost always sold out of it.  Online to the rescue!

5. What’s your 'back in my day we__________' story? 

I'm old enough to remember party telephone lines where more than one household shared the same line.  Think Mayberry.  It was all too common to be unable to make a call because a couple of gossipy neighbors were tying up the line.  And of course they could then listen in on other people's calls and have more gossip fodder!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Oh, goodness.  Well, this one is really anything but random.  It's a verse we were discussing in Sunday School on Sunday, and I was just thinking this morning that I would like to memorize this, along with verse 5 that follows it:

"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."  (2 Corinthians 10:5)

And there's the Hodgepodge for this week.  Happy Wednesday, everyone!


  1. Great verses to memorize and remember! So your sweet cabin is like tent camping without the tent. I could get into that especially since you have the luxury of water and a toilet! Those party lines were something else! Happy Hodgepodge!

  2. As long as there is a hot shower and a working toilet I'd be good with the cabin. I crave quiet and space in this noisy world, which is something I love about lake living. Yes, people do tend to complicate life lol. Enjoy your day!

  3. Great Verses...and loved this post. Love seeing your camp...and that wide open window in the bedroom looks so refreshing! I would love to spend more time in the mountains in the summertime/fall, but the ocean is nice when I can go and just relax and walk on the beach. Love the lighthouses in Maine. Maine beaches are much different than Florida beaches! LOL. Enjoy the rest of your summer days. We are having a lot of HIGH heat and thunderstorms, but that's just typical for now. Take care and God bless!

  4. I remember party lines - it was an option that my folks did not have but I had friends that did and that was fun to listen in and make noises. My grandparents in Tennessee had a party line as well. Gosh I had forgotten about that. Great answers.

  5. Oh wow, seriously, more than one household sharing a phone line?! I don't remember that. I am 37, so I do remember the old-fashioned phones with a dial, although I never personally used one.

    I'm so happy you're enjoying your "glamping" experience.

  6. I love your little camp - looks like a peaceful and beautiful place. And the ocean view photos you shared are gorgeous. I can almost smell the salt air! Hope you have a great week!

  7. Enjoyed your answers. I remember party lines. I don't know when they went away, but I do remember them.


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