Wednesday, November 08, 2017

November 8 Hodgepodge

Delightful graphic from Abby at Little Birdie Blessings
 It's Wednesday again, and that means it's time for the Hodgepodge with Joyce and friends at From This Side of the Pond.  Head on over and get the questions, answer them on your own blog and then on back over to Joyce's to link up!   Here are the questions for this week (and I warn you, they are tough ones!):

1.  In a rut, in a jam, in the groove, out of sync, off balance, out of touch...which saying best fits some area of your life currently (or recently)? Explain.
From 1953
 I guess I would pick out of sync, though what I really feel is in a time warp.  Cleaning out nearly 70 years' worth of accumulated stuff will do that to a person!  I feel as if when I get home from a cleaning/sorting stint, I need to debrief before I can get back into my everyday life.  I'm planning my days pretty carefully to help with that.

2. What is it about somebody else's style of work (coworker/employee/shared volunteer project/household chore) that makes you crazy? Why?

  Here's one that I'm encountering on nearly an everyday basis -- my mother (now in heaven so her style of work no longer matters), rather than just throwing away junk mail, old letters, etc.  kept what she called "correspondence boxes" containing such items, along with stationery, note cards, address labels, etc. to use in answering her mail.  That sounds good, but the problem came when unexpected company arrived and she would scoop all of her current correspondence into a new box.  There were many of them, scattered all over the house.  Every time I think I have come to the end of correspondence boxes, another one surfaces.

3. What's a tradition that always makes you feel at home?

Hmm .... I am racking my brain on this one.  And I am completely drawing a blank.

4. A favorite song with a girl's name in the title or lyrics? Any reason why this is a particular favorite?

I guess I would say "Mary, Did You Know?" for fairly obvious reasons.  (I wouldn't have thought of this question in a million years.)

5. Share a favorite quote, verse, or saying relating to gratitude or thanksgiving.

"Know ye that the LORD, He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name."

Wish I knew where I had found this; I don't, sadly.  If it's yours, I apologize for not giving you credit.
6. Insert your own random thought here.

Christmas is only 7 weeks away!  Not sure where this year has gone, but it has flown.   Anyone out there ready for Christmas?  I've started, but I'm far from ready.
And so ends another Hodgepodge.  Happy Wednesday, everyone!


  1. Oh Mrs T...we cleaned out many pieces of correspondence as well when Marvin's father passed away. He kept EVERYTHING!! I am trying to be more brutal with my decluttering...have you heard of the new best seller that is about DEATH CLEANING? It encourages us older people to begin getting rid of our stuff so our children will not have to attend to it. The author is Scandanavian and that is a cultural thing there.

    1. I have not heard about death cleaning, but it sure sounds like a good idea. As soon as I finish my parents' house I plan to start on mine, but I have done a bit already here because I just don't want the clutter to increase at all. It is inevitably increasing a little as I bring in photos and other things I want to scan.

  2. I think at our age and dealing with cleaning out so much would leave us out of sync. Mary, Did You Know is one of my favorites. That picture at the end is so precious.

    1. Thanks, Sandy, for the encouragement. I am so tired but need to keep on with the task until it is done. Yes, that is a fun photo, isn't it? I found it quite recently.

  3. I love that Christmas photo in the last response!! And I'm laughing at your mom's method of tidying up when company comes. I need to go through this house so that my children don't have a huge task someday. Plans are for serious cleaning out this winter. Have a great Wednesday.

    1. I know, my mother was quite the procrastinator (she was always waiting until she could do things "perfectly") and she was a master of the stash and dash method of cleaning when company came.

      You're right, I also am motivated to go through my own house (assuming I survive doing so with hers) and deal with things so my kids don't have to.

      I recently found that Christmas photo in my cleaning out efforts at my parents' home. The little girl in the middle is my cousin; the rest are siblings. A cute photo, I thought.

  4. :-) This year has gone by way too fast. I can not believe Thanksgiving is upon us!! And Christmas!! Oh my! Not ready.

    1. I know. The year has simply flown by. I've been busy, it's true, very busy -- so that explains time flying for me. But everyone seems to be finding it the same this year.

  5. Deep cleaning is always so exhausting and I can imagine trying to go through your mother's things even more so. Praying that you are able to finish the task soon! I always enjoy your hodgepodge, and I too would never be able to think up the questions she does! Love your darling Christmas photo, and no, we are not ready for Christmas, but am I ever? Lol. It is hard to believe we are at that time of year again though! I think we feel that way every year, even more so as the years tend to speed on by!


Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my kitchen table! I love company here in my kitchen, so be sure to leave a comment so I'll know you've visited! I'll answer your questions and comments here on the blog unless you request otherwise.