Friday, August 02, 2019

Friday five

Unbelievably, it's Friday again!  I usually do my grocery shopping on Thursday, but this week I put it off until today, so it seems even less like Friday.  But regardless, Friday is here, so here goes with a few blessings from the week:

1.  A wonderful time with our friends Sam and Jennifer and their children on Saturday evening.  We even managed to go over an entire Bible study lesson in addition to enjoying precious time together around a meal.  Below is the book we're studying:

2.  A blessed day with God's people on Sunday.  Our friend Bryan Bell shared some wonderful messages from Colossians 1.

3.  Nice phone chats with my friend Jenn and my daughter Joanna on Tuesday afternoon.

4.  Good quality time spent working at my childhood home as I continue sorting, sifting, tossing, donating and selling items.

5.   The opportunity to get out and walk nearly every day this week, even though the first few days were unbearably humid.  We go out at 6 a.m in an attempt to beat the heat!

There's my Friday five for this week!😀  (The photos are all from previous summers.)

1 comment:

  1. Yes I am looking forward to the refreshing fall weather Mrs T. My walking has suffered this summer.


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