Back in July I promised that I would post a bit about the simple Bible study I did for that month: Confident Trust, by Rachel Wojo. I think that this was originally intended to be a May Bible reading plan, but I had a different plan for May, so decided to use this one for July since both months have 31 days.
These little books are basically a Bible reading/Scripture writing plan, with the added component of journaling. They are not in-depth Bible studies in any way, but are more intended to build the habit of being in God's Word each day and making a personal application of what you read. If you are looking for depth, you will be disappointed. But if you are looking to build the habit of reading and applying God's Word, this could be just what you need to help you do that.
I'm trying to decide how best to give a sampling of the Scripture passages and journaling prompts. I guess I will just start with Day 1. The Scripture for this day was Psalm 20. The question to ask myself had to do with what one thought from the passage would help me remember to trust God. Here's what I wrote:
"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the LORD our God" (verse 7). People trust in all sorts of earthly helps. Instead of doing that, I need to remember the LORD my God!"
For each page there is also an acrostic for the word TRUST. It essentially says, "Today I will rest in God's promises, understanding He is sovereign and I can trust Him with .... [fill in the blank]." When I started this study, I feared I would be filling in the blank with the same situations or things over and over. It didn't happen that way, though.
So for Day 1 I wrote that I could trust God with "all sorts of concerns that swirl around inside my head: our church's pastoral search; my own responsibilities; the spiritual growth of those we are mentoring; the physical health and spiritual well-being of a terminally ill friend; our own physical and mental health, and more." Thinking about how I could safely trust God with all of these really helped my head to stop spinning.
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Day 2's Scripture was Psalm 62. The question to ask myself was what fact from this passage would remind me that God is worthy of my trust. Here's what I wrote: "Power belongeth unto God" (verse 11) is one. Four verses remind me that God is my salvation. Three verses remind me that He is my Rock. Verses 2 and 6 state that God is my defense. All of these point to the fact that God is more than worthy of my trust!For day 2, when I needed to fill in the blank for "I can trust Him with ..." following the acrostic, I wrote that I could trust God with "the fact that my days never seem long enough to accomplish all that I'd like to. This is something that troubles me. I need to recognize that God is sovereign over my days. Of course He expects me to use my time wisely, but He knows my responsibilities and my season of life. He will give me guidance for each day as I look to Him."
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I could go on and on, but obviously I don't want to write out all that I did for the month. So I will pick out a couple of days from the middle of the month and a couple from the end of July, and call that good.Day 14's Scripture was Psalm 5. Two questions alternate each day. The question to ask myself had to do with what one thought from the passage would help me remember to trust God. Here's what I wrote:
"God will lead me in His righteousness and will make my path straight. I can joyfully trust in Him because He defends me. I can look to Him for direction each day."
For day 14, when I needed to fill in the blank for "I can trust Him with ..." following the acrostic, I wrote that I could trust God with ... "Everything! I'm coming to understand more and more that I have to take my hands off things and allow God to be in complete control of all things. He IS, and I must acknowledge that fact, and remove my hands."
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Day 15's Scripture was Psalm 85:1-9. The question to ask myself today was what fact from this passage would remind
me that God is worthy of my trust. Here's what I wrote:"There is no God like Him, and no works comparable to His works. He is good, ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy to all who call upon Him.
For day 15, when I needed to fill in the blank for "I can trust Him with ..." following the acrostic, I wrote that I could trust God with "the outcome of this infection [from a tick bite]. Do I want to return to urgent care and have it lanced? I'd rather not, and yet I will, if that's what's necessary to resolve it. So thankful to God for good energy even while recovering from this."
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For Day 28, the Scripture was Psalm 115:10-18. Again, the question to ask myself today was what fact from this passage would remind
me that God is worthy of my trust. Here's what I wrote:"If I fear (reverence) the Lord, I can trust Him to be my help and shield -- the One who made heaven and earth!"
And for this day, when I needed to fill in the blank for "I can trust Him with ..." following the acrostic, I wrote that I could trust God with ...
"All the responsibilities we have at church being without a pastor. God knows all about it and has allowed us to be at this place in this time. He will bring us the right pastor in His timing. Until then, He will sustain us and strengthen us for all that we need to do."
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Day 31's Scripture was Psalm 56. The question to ask myself today was what fact from this passage would remind
me that God is worthy of my trust. Here's what I wrote:"This I know: God is for me.' He has delivered my soul from death, so I can surely trust Him to guide my steps through life."
And for this day, when I needed to fill in the blank for "I can trust Him with ..." following the acrostic, I wrote that I could trust God with ...
"The large amount and variety of tasks on my plate and thoughts filling my mind. It is so difficult to keep a good balance of what I should be doing. So thankful that God is for me and will help me to order my days!"
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So there is a sampling of this little study and my responses. I hope this gives you an idea of what I learned in July and what you might expect from this study, or another of Rachel's books. If you are looking for a simple study that will get you into God's Word each day and will challenge you to think about Scripture and begin learning to apply it, you might find this very helpful. It was certainly a blessing to me this past month!
Oh how blessed I am by this post, and oh how I related so much to your thoughts and responses, especially of trusting God for direction, like you, I have so much on my plate, there are days when I go and go but have so much left to do.
ReplyDeleteI especially relate to the tick bite, I have been bitten a few times have had to deal with lyme disease and rocky mountain spotted fever, it took an infectious dr. to find this, and treat it. I will be praying about your situation!
Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment.
Sue, I am so happy that this post was a blessing to you! I hesitated about posting it, thinking it might not be of interest, but I had said I'd post about the study so I followed through. I'm glad I did, now!
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know this was just a tick bite that got infected, thankfully -- nothing like as serious as the ones you've dealt with. I do know it wasn't the type of tick that carries Lyme disease. Still, it was painful and I'm glad to have it behind me. The doctor felt it was just a straightforward infection. Glad I got it checked out though and got the antibiotics.
Have a wonderful day!
What a lovely, meaningful way to study. I find that when I write things down and make it personal, I get a lot more out of my study.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same, Dianna. Without the personal application, it is just gaining knowledge of Scripture. We must apply what we learn to get real spiritual growth!
DeleteThis sounds like a wonderful way to get daily time in with God's word...I love it! After I wrote my last post about being a bit weary, ironically our friend Vee, shared that very scripture in her comment to me..."Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the LORD our God". Hmmm...sounds like God is speaking!!
ReplyDeleteRachel has a number of these studies available, Debby, so check it out at Rachel The study for August is called Purposeful Pause -- Waiting on God's Perfect Timing. It might be just what you need!
DeleteYes, I didn't fail to notice that verse quoted that same verse about remembering the name of the LORD our God. Sounds like He wants you to notice that verse for sure!