Monday, September 11, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


Once again this Monday, I'm taking time to join Sandra for this link party over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The Weather:::

Showery.  It's currently 67º and cloudy, no wind, humidity 95%.  Rain seems to be in the forecast for the next four days.

As I look outside my window:::

Everything is still quite lush and green.  Some leaves, though, particularly on a maple tree outside my window, are looking shriveled and unhealthy.  Not sure what that's a result of, maybe a late frost we had in early summer.  Or something else.

It seems that they are just going to fall off rather than turn color.  And all the rain has been knocking them off.  Thankfully, not all the maples are affected, just some of them.

Right now I am:::

 Working on a blog post.  Coughing a lot as I've been battling some type of cold for over a week.
Thinking and pondering:::
About the events of September 11, 2001.  Here's a link to a post I wrote in 2017 about that event: A prayer for hope and healing.  Here's just one snippet of my thoughts from that day:

"At that moment I just remember being overwhelmingly thankful that I know the God of the universe, and that all events are under His sovereign control -- even when they appear out of control. I remember thanking God that even though these events were a terrible shock to us, that they were no surprise to Him, and that somehow, in some way, He would bring good out of this national tragedy. I found that He increased my faith during those dark days, and I trust that others experienced this also."
And honestly, may He continue to increase our faith.  The days we are currently experiencing are no less dark. 
Beautiful graphic by Abby at Little Birdie Blessings

On my bedside table::: 

 A lamp, three books,  a pen and a jar of lavender-infused oil for helping with insect bites.

 Listening to::: 

Rain falling lightly.

On the Breakfast plate:::

I do intermittent fasting so don't have breakfast.  Lunch will be a salad with cubes of ham and cheese in  addition to leaf lettuce and some banana peppers.

On the dinner plate::: 

Still trying to figure that out. 
On the menu for this week::: 

I usually plan my menus from Thursday to Thursday, and grocery shop on Friday morning.  A few meals on my menu plan:

Egg bake
Chicken Divan
Egg Roll in a Bowl
On my reading pile:::
Holy Hygge by Jamie Erickson
Own Your Life, by Sally Clarkson 
A Step Farther and Higher, by Gail MacDonald
High Call, High Privilege, also by Gail MacDonald
On my to do list today:::
Work on blog posts
Etsy listings
Work on Sunday School lesson 12
Scrub stove top

Plans for this week:::

Plan menus and make grocery list
List some notions, patterns, cards, and kids' books on Etsy
Take a bag to the thrift store
Work on my Sunday School lessons
Clean fridge
Scrub tub and shower; clean tub mat and shower curtain
What I am creating:::
January cross-stitch sampler
Some "condensation catchers" out of old towels to place behind toilets that sweat in the humidity -- no, I still haven't finished started those! 😕
Need to start a pillow quilt for a granddaughter's gift
Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:::
 “We are always living on the edge of disaster, change, shock, or attack.  Peace, and the affluence to enjoy that peace, are always a false separation from the reality of the raging battle.” -- Edith Schaeffer, The Tapestry
This quote was shared in my Sunday School lesson yesterday.  How how we tend to forget this!  Our battle is real and we need to be armed and in readiness for it.

On my prayer list:::
Friends & family
Church family
Our country
And there's the Happy Homemaker Monday for this week!


  1. I almost hate to confess it, but on 9/11, I remember feeling fear like I'd never felt it before. I'm sure I prayed, but I felt disappointed in myself how quickly I gave into fear. Having school-age children at home (that I was homeschooling) gave me a reason to not spend the entire day in front of the television enveloped by the fear, though. Since none of us knew what else was going to happen that day I do remember being very thankful my children were home and we were together.

  2. Happy Friday my friend, I am catching up reading some blog posts.
    I got my ironing done this morning. Yay. ;-)
    I agree, we need to Stand Firm.

  3. I'm very late in visiting your blog. But now I just want to say that I enjoyed your post. What do you think of the book 'Holy Hygge'? Would you recommend buying it?


Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my kitchen table! I love company here in my kitchen, so be sure to leave a comment so I'll know you've visited! I'll answer your questions and comments here on the blog unless you request otherwise.