Wednesday, September 06, 2023

A Hodgepodge for the books


So it's Wednesday again, and that means it's time for the Hodgepodge -- the linkup where Joyce, at  From This Side of the Pond, asks the questions and bloggers provide the answers on their own blogs.  Life has been very busy and I was actually a bit relieved that there was no Hodgepodge last week.   Even though I really don't have time to write one today, I could quickly think of answers to these questions, so here goes: 

1. It's National Read A Book Day...whatcha' reading? What's a book you want to read? 

We like to read in the car -- that is, I read while my hubby drives.  For what seems like months now we have been reading The Real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  We are finding it takes a long time to digest all of the information -- we are still only on chapter 8 out of 12.  It is truly sickening and so well documented you know it is absolutely true.  I am so anxious to be finished with this book so we may move on to something more edifying ... I care not what.

When we're home in the evening I tend to read before bed. Both Holy Hygge and Finding a Mentor, Being a Mentor are in my current reading pile.  At the camp I am reading High Call, High Privilege by Gail MacDonald.

2. Which is better...having high expectations or low expectations? Explain why. 

I think it's fine to have reasonably high expectations for ourselves -- we need to have standards and strive for excellence as believers -- but I think it's better to have low expectations for others and low expectations of life experiences.  People will let us down every time (though God never will) so I don't say to expect the worst, but, as Andy Griffith once said in an episode involving a blind date, "Just don't overexpect."  If you pin all your best hopes on a person or a situation, you are bound to be disappointed.

3. Serenity is________________________. 

Resting in God's sovereign care no matter how challenging the situation.   Remembering what I know to be true about my God helps immensely.  And I highly recommend the book below.  (Also, see #5 below for a related answer to a similar question.

4. What's  the most interesting thing in your purse or pocket right now? 

Probably a handmade tissue holder.   Interested in making one?  They're easy.  Go here.

5. What helps you calm down? 

Reading the Psalms.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Yesterday morning, I watched a lady steal a pumpkin from outside of Market Basket.  She zipped into a parking place and exited her car, leaving the door open and striding briskly toward the store entrance.  I watched, ready to open my car door and call out that she'd forgotten to close her door -- which, I now realize, was the back door.  And continued to watch incredulously as she selected a pumpkin, returned to her car and popped it into the back seat.  And then calmly got into the driver's seat and drove away.  All for a $5.99 pumpkin!

I still haven't completely gotten over this experience.  She made no effort to hide what she was doing or to appear inconspicuous in any way.  Instead, she was dressed like Mother Goose, or possibly as a docent for some living history museum.  She had a table strapped upside down to the top of her vehicle.  And yes, I did get her license plate number, for anyone who might need it.  I wish I had gotten her photo -- or better yet, a video -- but  no doubt the security cameras did.

And there's the Wednesday Hodgepodge for this week!


  1. I wonder if maybe she works at a venue and picked one up with the shop owners knowledge? I hope that's the case. People are brazen now though so who knows. I've heard the Fauci book is a slog to get through. I'm not sure I have the stomach for it right now. Hope you have a great day!

  2. Well hopefully the taking of the pumpkin had been authorised.

  3. Hubby and I read some Psalms when we're having a rough time for some reason. They always seem to calm us down.

  4. Hi, I read The Real Anthony Fauci... more AWFUL is to come in the coming chapters.

    I recently had a situation with a new boyfriend to our neighbor that had me worked up for days. I ended up going to the police because he would not leave me alone while I worked in my front garden.
    We live in a small village of 1000 people... sadly more crime and theft is here and homelessness... it is sad.

  5. I hope she had pre purchased the pumpkin, but people are so brazen nowadays.

  6. Amen to #3 and great book recommendations, too. Hope you finish that book soon and move on to a more uplifting one! :) It really is jaw dropping the things that have occurred in the past several years! Hope you have a wonderful September!

  7. Gee you must be from California! That happens all the time here. Police won't come out when you call because its a misdemeanor. And store owners, if they fight back like one did last week, and beat the guy with a bat, they get charged for battery. Many of the stores have locked many items up and you have to wait for someone to pen them up. It's crazy.

  8. I don't know if I want to read the book about Fauci or not. Those are the kinds of books that are probably important but can't really be enjoyable, no matter how well-written. That's awful about the pumpkin thief! I hope, as another commenter suggested, that there was a benign explanation though. Hope you have a great week!

  9. What a perfect and beautiful answer to #3...I totally agree but need to remind myself of that truth more often! Thanks for sharing - have a blessed day!

  10. I enjoyed your answers. That tissue holder is really neat


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