The false lily-of-the-valley were like a carpet on the forest floor this spring; here is a close-up of one in the wildflower garden.

The real lily-of-the-valley did well this year too. Many years ago I had transplanted them from my mother's garden to different places around the yard. Though they are not wild flowers, the place they have done the best is in the wildflower garden. I apologize for the blurry photo but I sort of like its misty look.

The false Solomon's Seal spread a little bit this year. I have only seen one plant here before; this year there were several.

The Fringed Polygala was a surprise this year! We transplanted these sweet little flowers to the wildflower garden at least 15 years ago. They were plants Grampa T. had found in the woods and brought here for Carrie to transplant. To my knowledge they have never bloomed in the intervening years. This year they did!

Aren't they so cute? I think they look like tiny airplanes, propeller and all.
These forget-me-nots are everywhere in the woods of far northern New Hampshire. Wish we had some here!

We took this photo of bluets on our trip up north, too. These were blooming in the grassy area next to the town beach.

The meadow cranesbill was across the street, by our mailbox.

Here is what really nurtured my interest in wildflowers at a very young age. I received these books "from the tooth fairy" rather than money, in exchange for two "very fine teeth" back in 1957.

These irises were in bloom a few weeks ago. These were given me by a friend many years ago and I believe they are the wild "blue flag" variety. They badly need dividing at this point.

Lastly, in the wildflower department, here are the primroses, planted years ago in the wildflower garden and having spread everywhere over the years. They add a welcome touch of color in summer, since most of the flowers in this garden are spring-blooming ones.

Hope you have enjoyed this look at some of our New England wildflowers!
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