Monday, August 02, 2010

Our vegetable garden 2010

Let me say right up front that we are not true gardeners. Neither Mr. T nor I has what might be termed a green thumb, and we do not have a really good place for a garden; our property is general is too wooded and shady. Many years ago we had prolific gardens shared with other people in more ideal locations, but until last year we had not attempted to plant a vegetable garden for a long, long time.

We tried planting one last year but it really didn't do much. Some things didn't come up; others didn't produce much. Our tomatoes got the dreaded late blight. Our best harvest was leaf lettuce and a few winter squash.

This year's is looking a little better. Again, we had some things that didn't come up: winter squash and green beans. We were able to get some squash plants from friends. Their first squash didn't come up either, and when they replanted it all came up, so they had plants to give away. It's still an unknown as to whether our tomatoes will get late blight, but they look good so far.

Here's a photo taken from the balcony above the garden. Left to right: winter squash, two tomato plants (though you can only see one), lettuce, carrots, and zucchini. Not all of the lettuce came up at first, and you can see a tiny line of sprouts where Mr. T recently replanted it. Not all of the carrots came up either, so as he has thinned the carrots he has tried replanted the thinned-out ones further down the row. It has worked so far. Our zucchini is doing the best of anything and we are thankful to have it!

You can also see at the back right corner a sunflower, and in the front, sort of centered between two marigolds, a gladiola plant. These two (sunflower and gladiola) were started by our 7-year-old granddaughter in the greenhouse at school and later planted here. You can see they are doing quite well. The sunflower got blown over by wind and partially broken, but Mr. T has staked it up and it seems to be doing fine. The gladiola has yet to bloom and we are all waiting eagerly to see what color it will be!

And that is our little garden plot for this summer!

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