Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 17-20

December 17-20

Where, oh where, is December going? I simply cannot believe that Christmas is this coming Saturday. Life has been very busy for us with a lot going on; I can hardly even think back to what we did toward Christmas the past few days, but we have definitely been busy. Let's see:

* Friday, December 17. I did some housework and a bit of decorating on this day. We had five of our grandchildren with us in the evening. A busy time! But fun. Several of the older ones decorated a miniature Christmas tree which is perched on a milk can on the landing at the top of the stairs. They had a lot of fun with that. I also had a few ornaments that had not made it onto our regular tree as yet. They are on there now. The lower branches of the tree are well decorated!

* Saturday, December 18. The less said about this day, the better. Other responsibilities kept us either busy at home or out of the house most of the day and nothing at all got done toward Christmas. Oh, except that late in the evening we made a run to Walmart to find a few necessary items, some of which were components to some gifts we were giving in the gift exchange at church. And I did wrap those items that night.

* Sunday, December 19. Busy day, but in the afternoon I did try out a recipe for a mix sort of like puppy chow, but lemon flavored. Very good. That evening we went to a Sunday School Christmas program at an area church, and it was a lot of fun and very uplifting.

Monday, December 20. Finished up another handmade gift and wrapped nearly all of our presents that are being sent out west. Baked two batches of cookies. They still need to be filled/frosted, but at least they are baked. Went online and printed postage for the priority mail parcels, and scheduled a carrier pickup for them for today.

And that's how the past few days have gone!


  1. Merry Christmas Mr. and Mrs. T. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you on Wednesday. Guess it wasn't meant to be. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

    Mr. and Mrs. D :)

  2. Thanks, Mrs. D! I hope the two of you have a wonderful Christmas, as well! See you soon!



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