Monday, January 15, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday


As usual, there's no time for a long post, but I'm taking a few minutes to join Sandra for this link party over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The Weather:::

Now, at 4 pm, it's 24º and sunny.  A winter weather advisory in the works for tomorrow with 3 to 5 inches of snow predicted.

As I look outside my window::: 

 I see a sunny late-afternoon winter sky.  The ground is snow-covered and some of the trees bear a light frosting of snow after yesterday's snow squalls.  Most of that has melted, but there is still a bit clinging to bark of trees here and there.

Right now I am:::

 Working on a blog post. 
Thinking and pondering:::

 Continuing to think on the new year and just what my goals and priorities should look like.  I've chosen the word "continue" and am working on a post for that -- hopefully to be published this week.

On my bedside table::: 

 A lamp, three books,  and a pen.

 Listening to::: 

Literally, silence.
On the Breakfast plate:::

I do intermittent fasting so don't have breakfast.  We did have brunch with friends at our daughter's home since it was a holiday and it made a nice way to visit with old friends we seldom see.  I brought breakfast sliders, and hash browns, our daughter made an egg bake, and our friends brought fruit salad.  Late lunch was a small salad with turkey, cheese and avocado in addition to leaf lettuce.

On the dinner plate::: 

Chicken divan

On the menu for this week::: 

 A few meals on my menu plan:

Chicken divan
Hamburgers, roasted Brussels sprouts
Egg roll in a bowl
On my reading pile:::
 Every Ocean Has a Shore, by Jamie Langston Turner, a Christmas gift I'm really enjoying.
Adorned by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
A Step Farther and Higher, by Gail MacDonald
High Call, High Privilege, also by Gail MacDonald

On my to do list today:::

Work on several blog posts
Work on Sunday School lesson 18
Brunch with friends and family√
Make sliders to take to brunch √
Spend time cross stitching
Write some thank-you notes

Plans for this week:::

Plan menus and make grocery list
List some Christmas cards on Etsy
Take a bag to the thrift store
Finish Sunday School lesson 18
Get started with an exercise regimen
Continue 40-day sugar fast
Begin some serious decluttering
Start a pillow quilt
Ladies ministry meeting on Saturday

What I am creating:::
January cross-stitch sampler, plus another wintry cross-stitch I've just started
Some "condensation catchers" out of old towels to place behind toilets that sweat in the humidity -- no, I still haven't finished started those! 😕  And I need to do so, because the old towels are just sitting around waiting to be used!   And also because we keep getting sporadic warmer weather and I half expect the toilets to start sweating again.
An older unfinished dishcloth in a more challenging pattern
Need to start a pillow quilt

Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:::
This quote from Adorned, by Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth:
"The truth is, if we are going to invest ourselves in others or receive the wisdom offered to us by others, some of the most significant encounters will occur within the context of human weakness and inadequacy.  Yes, even failure and sin.  Because even while we're still in the process of being changed into the image of Christ, He can use us as a means of grace in others' lives.
"We're still far from where we ought to be (and one day will be, praise God!).  But this is part of the story we have been given to share with others.  Even our failures -- humbly acknowledged and redeemed by His mercy and grace -- can become a path to a more fruitful life and ministry."

 There is so much more to this book!  I'm still reading it, but wanting to underline almost every word!

On my prayer list:::
Friends & family
Church family
Our country
And there's the Happy Homemaker Monday  for this week!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this lovely post. I love the picture of the cup of cocoa with a mug warmer and the popcorn. That looks so inviting! I love your word "Continue". Makes me want to hear more... "to be continued..." And that seems to be our life's story. I thought once I was going to write a book about our life story, but then I thought, "but our life isn't over yet, and I'd have to keep writing sequels..." But then I thought, "if I wait until it's over, I won't be able to write it!" SO, the blog is my story and it is being continued each week or whenever I write. So I anticipate that your word "continue" will be something that we will want to follow as you continue your walk with Jesus and share the happenings along the way. Your brunch sure sounded good! Wow! That would take care of me for most of the day! So nice it was spent with friends and family! Perfect!! Hope you stay safe and warm and cozy in the upcoming snowstorm. We are expecting colder temps here in the next few days, but no snow! It's Florida, after all! Have a blessed and wonderful week.


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