Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21 Hodgepodge


Again this week, I'm joining in with Joyce and the gang for the Wednesday Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond.   Today's questions weren't as easy as they appeared at first, but here we go ...

1. What's the last thing you completely overreacted to? 

You know, I really can't think.   I'm sure there was something, but I can't think right now.  Over time I think I am learning bit by bit to go with the flow and be flexible about smallish stuff.

Lovely graphic by Abby at Little Birdie Blessings

2. Your top five snacks? 

Oh boy.  I don't know how to answer this as I don't snack a lot. This time of year it would be homemade ice cream at the top of the list.  We have probably a half dozen seasonal ice cream places within an hour of our home, with most of them being within a half hour, and all but one serve locally made ice cream.  My hubby LOVES ice cream.  These days we always get a 2-scoop serving (in a dish) and share it.  

Four other snacks I enjoy, but only occasionally: homemade cheese log with crackers; chex party mix; trail mix with peanuts, almonds, and M&Ms; Almond Joy candy bars.  Can't even remember the last time I tasted one of those!

3. What smell always brings back some type of memory? Elaborate. 

Windex.   It always, always brings back memories  of the summers I helped my sister-in-law get summer homes (on a nearby lake) ready for the season.  Such beautiful views mean lots of windows.  One of the homes was older and had diamond-paned windows.

4. What's something you learned from the last book you read? 

That Margery Williams, the author of The Velveteen Rabbit also wrote at least one wonderful book for teens, one of them being Winterbound, which I just finished. 

5. What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Will you make that purchase before the end of the year? 

A new Kindle.  I hope I can hold out until Black Friday deals.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

What a summer it has been!  Last Saturday we had our regular monthly Ladies of Grace meeting,  Rather than a devotional, we opted to have a more extended testimony time where ladies could share blessings, answers to prayer, instances of God's provision and more from their summer so far.  It was absolutely wonderful to hear how God had worked in each of our lives in various ways -- some small, others bigger and actually life-changing. 

I hope to blog about some of my mental snapshots from summer, in a couple weeks or so.

And there's the Wednesday Hodgepodge for this week!


  1. Windex... oh I enjoyed the memories in this answer.
    xx oo

    1. Yes, so many memories. It has been many years, yet the scent of Windex always brings them right back.

  2. We live on a lake and have a lot of windows and glass. When the grandchildren are here it's a mess lol. Noses and fingerprints all around. Hubs cleans the windows here for the most part. Have a great day!

    1. When one lives on a lake it's a given to have lots of windows and sliders to enjoy those wonderful views! Washing the glass seems a small thing compared with the privilege of enjoying the views, right?

  3. Oh, how I love the testimonies of others. I find encouragement in every story I hear!
    Pretty photo.
    I never thought of Windex, but I do have a few memories attached to that as well. hahaha, back when I used to clean the windows more than I do now.

    1. It is indeed so encouraging to share testimonies with others. I am so thankful for the young women in our church who felt led to start this ministry.

  4. Your Ladies of Grace meeting sounds lovely.

    1. It was! I am so thankful that God prompted two younger women in our church to begin this. It's just a very casual, encouraging time and we keep it very simple. One person hosts, one person provides a snack, one person shares a devotional thought. We spend 2 hours together, one Saturday morning each month. Part of that time is spent eating and chatting, some of it in learning and sharing prayer requests.

  5. Windex is a great memory ... I can smell it just looking at the word. My mother used to make the best Chex party mix; I could probably try my hand, but I'd feel compelled to eat it.
    I may not always agree with our group's chosen Bible study but the freedom to share in confidence and the interactions are priceless.

    1. Oh, Chex mix! My Great-Aunt Bessie (the same one who wore L'Origan) made the best and always gave tins of it away to families at Christmas. So good. Hers was special. She always put Cheerios in it, and did those ever soak up the seasonings. We fought over those Cheerios as kids!

      Yes, the freedom to share in confidence and the interactions with women of like faith are indeed priceless.

  6. Enjoyed your answers today, but especially the memories associated with windex! Love it! Have a great week!

    1. It's true. Every single time I smell windex it brings back those memories.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kym! You have a great week, too!

  7. Your Ladies of Grace meeting sounded so encouraging. Windex! That's one that is unique. My husband likes to do the car windows before we head out anywhere more than 5 miles from home. Thank you for your visit to my Hodgepodge. I do appreciate it and your comment. Happy end of week to you!

  8. Oh, indeed our Ladies of Grace meetings are so encouraging. This sounds odd I know, but they are planned to include just the ladies who regularly attend our church and the occasional guest. A time when we can just share our hearts and encourage one another in the Lord. It's not a Bible study per se, and it's not evangelistic. Devotionals are on all different topics. As I mentioned to Pamela above, this is kept so simple. One lady hosts and provides coffee/tea, one lady brings a snack to share (often something like scones or muffins) and a third lady shares a short devotional.

    We all have other ladies' events we can invite friends to, but this is not that time. I can't even tell you how safe and encouraging it feels to just be able to share our hearts together.


Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my kitchen table! I love company here in my kitchen, so be sure to leave a comment so I'll know you've visited! I'll answer your questions and comments here on the blog unless you request otherwise.