Friday, December 11, 2009

Among the missing...

Wow, I just can't believe I haven't posted here since Thanksgiving. I've done a bit better about posting at my Christmas blog, but I sure have been among the missing here.

I had ambitious plans to post here every day of December with a Christmas recipe, decorating idea, etc. Guess I am a few days behind schedule!

What has kept me so busy? Nothing out of the ordinary, just the busyness that goes with being part of the "sandwich generation". Cooking, cleaning, shopping, keeping track of medications, etc. for elderly parents. Trying to find time with grandchildren and to stay in touch with faraway loved ones. Then there's Sunday School lesson preparation, making angel wings for Christmas costumes, trying to keep a reasonably clean house and a reasonably well-fed family, baking Christmas goodies, making and shopping for gifts, trying to decorate the house and wrap gifts... I know that many of you are in similar situations.

I have lots to post about, so I'm going to try and do much better about blogging in the remaining days of December! In the meantime, may each of us keep our focus on the real, true meaning of this blessed season.

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