Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy Spring!

This picture of daffodils at my dad's house is from a previous year.  No sign of them yet in 2015!
No, there is not much of a spring look hereabouts in northern New England!  The daffodils above are still only a dream as yet.

It really looks much more like this, as the maple sugar producers begin to tap their trees and make syrup:

At my Grampa's sugarhouse, 1956
In the sugar orchard, 1956
So it may be spring by the calendar -- and yes, maple sugaring is a sign of spring up here -- but there are few other signs of it.  It will be all the sweeter when it finally gets here!


  1. I can remember reading about maple sugaring in our geography books when I was a girl. I could not imagine a place where it got cold and then you tapped the trees and made Laura Ingalls Wilder books also taught me about the process. I think it would be fun! And spring will come, it is in full bloom here right now and two weeks ago we had ice and snow!!

  2. Arlene, I hope to do a post this month concerning my memories of maple sugaring. I grew up with it and have many fun memories -- and at least one scary one! I want to write them down for my kids while I still remember them.

  3. Lovely post and photos. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  4. Welcome, Linda! I am glad you enjoyed the post and photos. Do take some time to visit and browse the archives ... there's a lot here that you might enjoy. Warm greetings to you as well!

  5. What darling photos of the Sugar Woods. Are they tapping trees where you are? We have not seen any in our corner. It used to be that our neighbors' trees were tapped, but not this year. Alas, I have missed the look of the sap buckets.

  6. Thanks, Vee! I am glad you enjoyed the vintage photos. Yes, sap buckets are out around our state. This coming weekend is Maple Weekend here and many of the sugarhouses offer events and samples. I noticed yesterday that one of our neighbors, a backyard sort of sugarmaker, has buckets on his trees. I grew up with sugaring and miss it. But it's a lot of work!


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