Thursday, October 24, 2024

An apple for today


 Desperate for some sort of blog post in the midst of a busy week, I'm snagging just one question from the Hodgepodge to answer.  It's this one:

1. Monday was National Apple Day...did you eat an apple or enjoy something made with apples on Monday? Do you like apples? Do you prefer your apples raw, baked, or in cider? Do you have a favorite variety of apple?

Easy to answer with some fun posts to link to.

On Monday, we were visiting our friend Charlotte at her cabin.  She did serve applesauce as part of the wonderful lunch she prepared for us.

Sedum at the edge of our friend's driveway
Yes, I love apples.  I think probably I prefer them raw.  But they are wonderful in pies or crisps.  Here's a new to me recipe for maple apple crisp that I've made several times already this fall.  It is scrumptious!

Photo from
And if you would like some of my own tried and true apple recipes, go here!

Lovely vintage image from The Graphics Fairy

I have sweet memories of an apple orchard from childhood.

Last year, my hubby and I went on a short apple picking excursion in the fall -- something we'd like to make an annual excursion for the two of us.  Here are some pictures from 2023:

My favorite variety of apple is Honeycrisp.  But Cortlands, like those we picked at an orchard a couple weeks ago, are just amazing when they are fresh.

You can just click "apples" in the label cloud in the sidebar for a bushel more of apple fun!

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