Thursday, July 17, 2008

Trees of God's planting

Graphic from Baptist Bible Hour

I read this poem in Streams in the Desert Volume 2 and was so blessed by it, I thought I would share it here. The Scripture verse shared with this selection (the reading for July 15) is a portion of Nahum 1:3 -- "The LORD hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm." 

Here's the poem, from an unknown author:

God of the gallant trees
Give to us fortitude;
Give as Thou givest to these
Valorous hardihood.
We are the trees of Thy planting, O God,
We are the trees of Thy wood.

Now let the life-sap run
Clean through our every vein,
Perfect what Thou has begun,
God of the sun and rain.
Thou who dost measure the weight of the wind,
Fit us for stress and for strain.

Part of what the author has shared is the following:

"God takes the things that are against us and the very enemies that would fight us and the forces arrayed against us to lift us up to the heights... You may be one who feels himself like a tree on the mountain height alone in the wind of God. Take courage, dear one! God's eye is upon His child in the heart of the storm. The winds may seem to be uprooting your trees, but fastened to the Rock of Ages, you shall not be moved."

I hope these thoughts encourage someone else as they have me!


  1. What a beautiful poem! Thanks for sharing.


  2. I am glad you enjoyed it, Linda! Stop by anytime!

    God bless,

  3. A powerful word. Thank you. 🩵


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