Monday, March 08, 2010

Back-on-track challenge update

Here's another weekly update as to how things are going with my back-on-track challenge. Again, here are the areas I'm trying to get back on track with:

* health and energy -- specifically eating right, exercising, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep

This week I did great with walking -- walked every day, and twice on a couple of days. Didn't do so well with my exercise routine; only managed that twice. I did pretty well with eating healthy through the week, but not so well on Sunday. I got plenty of sleep. Drinking enough water still needs work, but I did drink much more water (and green tea) this week. It's getting easier as the weather gets warmer.

* spiritual life -- especially Scripture memory and meditating on Scripture

This week I worked on some verses from Isaiah 53 but I still need to review them.

* homemaking -- getting back into my FlyLady routines with an eye to decluttering the entire house in 2010; spending less money

Again this week I felt as if I maintained the house pretty well, I didn't get much decluttering done. I did do some -- threw away some old things and put a couple of items in my bag to take to the thrift store. Spent a little less on groceries than usual.

* ministry -- taking time to connect with people on a regular basis; using my God-given talents and gifts for His glory

I wrote some long overdue notes to friends again this week. Also spent lots of time on my Sunday School lessons for this week and next. Spent some time on the kids' summer devotional book.

* creativity -- trying to do something creative, no matter how small, every day

Didn't post on my blog as much as I would have liked, but worked on a couple of posts. I also did some work on embroidery and crocheting projects and started a sewing project. Did get a lot of early spring decorating done. It feels good to have the snow/ice/Valentine themed things put away, even though we still have some snow and ice outdoors.

So that's how this week has gone for the back-on-track challenge! All in all, it felt like a relatively on-track week, but as always, there's plenty of room for improvement.

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