Finally, I have the free time to write a blog post! But I can't seem to get started. What's holding me back? In a word, the dreaded perfectionism I try to avoid. You see, this post will be my 1000th. Exciting, but I sort of wanted my 1000th post to be something special. I have a number of things I want to write about and photos to share, but none of them special enough for such a momentous occasion.
So here's what I finally decided to do: Share some links to some of the blogs and sites that have blessed me since I entered into this blogging adventure. That's what's really special about blogging, I think: meeting new friends, learning from them, being inspired by their creativity, etc. etc. So, without further ado, here are just a few links. I should add that because we still have dial-up and because I am very busy with other responsibilities, I just don't have time to visit blogs the way I'd like to. I know there are a whole bunch of other wonderful ones out there. If I happen to leave you out, I'm very sorry. Please know that it wasn't anything personal. Here goes:
Life on a Back RoadCarrie has to go at the top of my list because, not only is she my daughter, and not only is her blog fun and inspiring to read, but she is the one who introduced me to blogging and encouraged me to start my own blogs. She amazes me with what a great homemaker and mommy she is!
The following links are in no particular order.
By GraceI always enjoy reading Susan's blog. She's a godly wife and mom, a Southern gal transplanted to Canada where her husband pastors a church. It's interesting reading about her family and their adventures. Susan also writes some thought-provoking posts that will really make you think.
Coffee Tea Books and MeWhat a blessing this site is! Brenda is a true Titus 2 woman who shares so much that God has taught her over the years. Right now she is doing a wonderful series on dealing with stress.
Coffee Tea Books and RecipesThis is Brenda's recipe blog. I have gotten some wonderful recipes from this site.
Beside Still WatersPatty is a dear Christian lady in California. She has become a special friend. Her blog is among the most encouraging I have read. If you visit, God is sure to bless your heart!
Patty's PantryThis is Patty's recipe blog. It is another one that I've found many good recipes on.
At Home with the GrimmsArlene and her family live in Alabama. I always enjoy reading about Arlene's adventures in crafting, decorating, and grandparenting.
One Pretty ThingNot a blog, but an incredibly inspiring site for anyone who enjoys crafting.
Gooseberry Patch blogI love Gooseberry Patch and so I was thrilled when they started a blog. Lots of fun stuff here. One of my favorite things is that every Friday they feature a different blogger.
Green TwigThis is my friend Ruth's blog. It's fun to read her adventures in homesteading and gardening, in addition to her spiritual insights.
TipnutI love Tipnut! It's one of the most practical, yet fun sites I have found. Subscribe to their daily emails and I guarantee you will find wonderful ideas you can use.
Home JoysA newer one for me, Gina's blog is an inspiration! She is another of these wonderfully capable young moms who have so much to share. Recipes and gardening tips are among the ideas you will find there.
There is No Place Like HomeI have gotten so much inspiration from Kelli's blog. She takes the most gorgeous photos. Kelli is another amazing young mom who homeschools, gardens, decorates and cooks -- and inspires others (even a grandma like me!) to do the same.
Our Home for the HolidaysIf you enjoy planning and preparing for Christmas all year round, you will find these forums very helpful. I check in at the crafting forum almost every day!
Well, I'm sure there are many more links I could share, but I want to get this posted. Have a wonderful day, everyone!