Tuesday, April 05, 2011

A glorious sunrise

Yesterday morning, the sky was absolutely glorious! I was reminded, of course, of the old saying "red sky at morning, sailors take warning", for I knew that bad weather was predicted. Sure enough, we had snow all morning and then rain in the afternoon. But what kept going through my mind as I thought about that sky was this verse:

"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD's name is to be praised."
(Psalm 113:3)


  1. Beautiful & what a great verse to have in your mind all day. I do hope you guys get some spring soon! The weather here is still a little brisk but the sun has been shining & the flowers are starting to bloom - so lovely!

  2. Thanks, Mary Ann! I'm glad you liked the photo. I was so thrilled to have noticed the sunrise and actually get out onto the balcony with a camera in time to catch it. They tend to fade rather quickly.

    We had a nice sunny day yesterday. At my dad's, in a sheltered spot, he has daffodils up and budding. Not so here... our yard still has feet of snow in it.


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