Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Writing Countdown Challenge, Day 48

Wednesdays are never very productive for me at home, because I spend a good bit of the day out of the house. But I'm pleased to report some progress on the writing countdown:

* I chose all of the memory verses for the book and designed the page for each verse.

* I wrote another daily devotional page.

* I did quite a bit more research on the Internet.

* I noticed that I counted wrong and so I only need a total of 140 pages rather than 141 -- yes, a small thing, but exciting to me!

So a total of 4 pages got done today, bringing the grand total still needed down to 135!


  1. Yay! Good for you. Maybe tomorrow you'll get four more pages done! :) Praying for you!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement, Carrie! I can use all the prayer I can get...


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