Monday, October 15, 2012

Goals for week beginning 10/14/2012

Vintage postcard from my collection
I'm taking a deep breath and jumping into a busy week of trying to get things caught up around the house and otherwise.  Here are my major goals for the week:

*  Spend time in 1 Samuel Bible study
*  Get a good start on Sunday School lesson 3
*  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook
*  Limit sugar
*  Exercise 5 or 6 times
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays and Christmas
*  Keep up a good water intake
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
*  Post regularly in one or both of my blogs
*  Keep up with Kelly's Missions for  Zone 3, the bathrooms -- plus one extra room (I am choosing the home office)
*  Do some kitchen missions I didn't get to last week
* Do some serious preparing for Christmas gifting and crafting
*  Write some TripAdvisor reviews
*  Post about the ladies' retreat from September
*  Make basil butter
*  Clean up the garden
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do.

And here's how things went last week:
*  Spend time in 1 Samuel Bible study -- nope
*  Add some information to Sunday School lesson 2 -- DONE!
*  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook -- nope
*  Limit sugar -- did okay with this
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays and Christmas -- nope
*  Keep up a good water intake -- did okay with this
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night -- nope
*  Post regularly in one or both of my blogs -- nope
*  Keep up with Kelly's Missions for  Zone 2, the kitchen -- nope
* Do some serious planning and preparing for Christmas gifting and crafting -- did some planning, not so much preparing
*  Replace all of our clothes in the drawers and closets (we had moved them to make room for our guests to unpack their own things) -- DONE!
*  Harvest basil before we get a frost and make basil butter and/or pesto -- picked the basil but haven't used it yet
*  Clean up the garden -- not completely
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do -- DONE!

Certainly I am hoping and praying for a more productive week this week.  The weekend will bring a much-needed and sure-to-be-refreshing couples' retreat at The Wilds of New England!  We are looking forward to that so much!  And I am planning to use that time as a jump-start into another Back-on-Track Challenge to start next Monday.  Perhaps others might like to think about joining me as I try to get back on track with my goals for homemaking, spiritual growth, health and energy.

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