Well, the morning was devoted to finishing up my Sunday School lesson, but after lunch I got quite a few Christmas things done:
* Got all of the scraps and throwaway items out of both freezers to make more room for Christmas goodies. Mr. T. took a trip to the dump.
* Baked my favorite fruitcake recipe in a jelly-roll pan to use for chocolate-covered fruitcake.
* Shopped for components for a couple more gifts.
* Helped Mr. T put together 4 homemade gifts for his Sunday School students.
* Made a homemade gift and stitched up a gift bag to put it in, for tomorrow night's Sunday School gift exchange.
* Designed and printed up some gift tags on the computer.
* Cut the fruitcake in small squares and coated it in melted chocolate. It came out yummy.
And those are pretty much my accomplishments for today!
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