Ducks at the lake |
The week wasn't terribly stressful, just full. A day in which I don't have to leave my house is a happy day for me. I had only one of those this week, on Friday. And it rained most of yesterday, quite forcefully at times. That meant no hanging laundry outdoors and no time spent in the garden.
I did have a lovely chat with my daughter and son-in-law on the phone. Part of our conversation sent me on a mission of hunting for a particular cross-stitch pattern. Many years ago when our daughter was in college, my mother-in-law and I put together a special quilt for her using many different cross stitch motifs.
Now, years later, that quilt is often in use in their bedroom and their little girl loves looking at the designs. (She is a color fanatic just like me!) One in particular has become her favorite, and she even asked her mom if Grammy could make that design into a picture for her room. Well, of course I will try. I was sure I still had all of the patterns, but that one eluded me. Thankfully, though, I have just found it! I will try and complete it for her birthday in March.
I didn't have much time for browsing blogs this week, but one post I did read was this one: Adventure of the Best Kind, by my friend Mrs. Smith at Sweet Tea and Simplicity. It's worth the read! Very inspiring.
Backing up to Thursday, probably the busiest day of my week, Mr. T got home in the early afternoon and proposed a trip to the lake. I needed to be back home before 5 to start preparing a meal for my dad (I take supper to him on Thursdays), but we took off anyway with just a couple of hours to spend there. Mr. T swam a bit; I worked on my Sunday School lesson and waded a bit. It was somewhat overcast so the pictures I took aren't the best. One plus of going that late in the day was that most other people were leaving. It made for a very quiet beach and a relaxing time. We had both had a crazy week, so it was good to relax for awhile.
That evening we attended a believer's baptism at a different lake. There is just something very precious about an outdoor baptism in a lake or river. It was a blessing and we were glad we could be there.

This morning we were unable to have our quiet time out by the campfire as the trees were still dripping from yesterday's heavy rain. It was okay, though, and we treated ourselves to breakfast out this morning. We both had a meat lover's omelet -- so good -- and home fries, and Mr. T had toast. Coffee, of course. That goes without saying, right?
I really need to go accomplish a few more things before my dad arrives for supper. I have much I hope to blog about this week -- a hymn that blessed my heart, a psalm that encouraged me, a simple craft project, and a bunch of recipes -- so hopefully I will be back here soon with more to share! Until then, I hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. T., thank you!!! Wow--seeing this today has certainly made it bright!!!
ReplyDeleteI am like you about days getting to be home. Our youngest daughter's activities put me on the road a good bit in the school year, but I sure have enjoyed the summer off!
I am in awe of the quilt! What work must have gone into it! When you get the picture complete, I hope you will post it so we can see. :)
Your times spent at the lake seems so peaceful. I can just imagine how precious baptism in a lake would be!
You have a great weekend--you've made mine!
I thought I had published this earlier today and discovered that I missed some letters on the word verification. I am not too good at those!
Hi Mrs. Smith!
ReplyDeleteIt's great to see you here, and your sweet comments blessed my heart today and provided a nice start to my weekend!
Yes, the quilt was a lot of work. We made one for Carrie too. On this one of Joanna's, I believe Carrie made one of the squares (maybe more) and my friend Marilyn did a couple; my mother-in-law did one, plus the sewing of the quilt. The designs on Carrie's were more difficult. I got smarter and used simpler designs on this one.
Yes, we love our times at the lake -- both Newfound Lake, which is near our home (about 20 minutes away) and others. We live just above the Lakes Region of our state. Sure hope you could come visit NH some time!
I am not too good at the word verification either, but I press on. Sometimes I find that if you refresh it, you will get a word that's easier to read. I tried to take word verification off my blog, but found that I just got too much spam. I didn't even want some of that stuff in my thoughts, so put the verification back on.
Sorry to hear your mother has been in the hospital. Hope she is feeling much better now!