Thursday, June 06, 2013

Back-on-track challenge, days 1~ 3

This fabulous graphic is from The Cottage Market
So I promised to report my progress in the areas I'm trying to challenge myself in this month.  To review,  these areas are:
health and energy -- specifically eating right, exercising, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep
homemaking -- getting back into the routines that work for me; getting better at time management
spiritual life -- especially Bible study, Scripture memory and meditating on Scripture
* creativity -- blogging more often, making some things for home decor, and trying to craft some birthday and Christmas gifts.

Here's how the first 3 days have gone:
health and energy -- One of the best simple tools I've found to keep track of these areas -- specifics like food intake, water, exercise, sleep, and so on -- is the Body Clutter Investigator (hereafter referred to as the BCI) from FlyLady.  It may be downloaded as a pdf on the FlyLady website.  So I printed out a week's worth -- I do them double sided to save paper -- and have used the BCI each day.  It's a simple thing that really helps me.  I've exercised 2 out of the 3 days and have done really well with limiting sugar and getting more fruits, vegetables, and fiber.  These are things I've been struggling with, so I'm quite encouraged.
homemaking -- although I haven't done as well as I'd like with the zone missions, I have done some of them and did a major decluttering under the bathroom sink.  It's not the current zone but desperately needed doing, so I'm pleased about that.  I threw away a LOT of stuff.  Just wish I'd taken before and after pictures!
spiritual life -- I've had good times of prayer, Bible reading and journaling each day and have read 2 chapters in a book on prayer.  I've also added a new "character flaw" page in my prayer journal.  Haven't fit in any Bible study yet this week, but I'm hopeful about tomorrow.
* creativity -- I have managed to blog more often.  Haven't found time for a lot of crafting, but did finish a dishcloth and a couple felt strawberries.  I've felt more creative in the kitchen and tried some new recipes.  Figured out a somewhat creative solution to storage under the bathroom sink. 

So that's where things are at with the back-on-track challenge so far.  It's not too late if you'd like to join me!

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