Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Goals for week beginning 12/2/2013

A day late posting weekly goals again.  That seems to be how it goes around here!  So my goals for the week are:
* Completely finish Sunday School lesson 13; begin lesson 14
 *  Make 1 or 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook
*  Memorize Romans 15:13
* Continue with Advent study
*  Read 1 or 2 chapters in  Following God With All Your Heart
*  Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows
*  Keep up with crafting goals for Christmas
 *  Keep up a good water intake
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
*  Post daily in both this blog and my Christmas blog
* Send out Christmas cards for a card exchange I'm taking part in
*  Zero in on homemaking tasks in Zone 1, the entry, dining room, and porch
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do
*  Email several friends
* Get a lot of Christmas decorating done
* Begin Christmas baking
*  Continue with a back-on-track challenge in the area of homemaking
* Post some TripAdvisor reviews
* Finish a set of Christmas banners for over the dining room windows

And here's how last week went:
*  Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study -- DONE!
* Finish Sunday School lesson 13 -- finished all except the last page
 *  Make 1 or 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook -- DONE!
*  Review Psalm 100 -- DONE!
*  Read 1 or 2 chapters in  Following God With All Your Heart -- not done
*  Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows -- not done
*  Keep up with crafting goals for Christmas -- DONE!
 *  Keep up a good water intake -- not done as much as I'd have liked
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night -- not done
*  Post at least four times in my regular blog, and in my Christmas blog as time allows -- DONE!
*  Zero in on homemaking tasks in Zone 5, the living room -- DONE!
*  Spend at least 15 minutes a day reorganizing the many piles, stacks, notebooks and containers full of recipes I've collected over time -- not done, although I did spend the 15 minutes one of the days
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do -- DONE!
* Find or make a better weekly to-do list -- not done
*  Write several encouraging notes to friends and family -- -- DONE!
*  Continue with a back-on-track challenge in the area of homemaking -- DONE!
* Post some TripAdvisor reviews -- I posted one, so I guess that counts
* Enjoy Thanksgiving Day with friends and family!  -- DONE!

I'm tabling a few things for now; the recipe project, the 2 Samuel Bible study; the search for a better to-do list.  I'm trying to concentrate and focus on the true meaning of the season.

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