Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekly Goals 2/19/2012

Time for new weekly goals and an update on the old ones.  Last week was not a very productive one as far as my goals are concerned, but hopefully this week will be better.  Here are this week's goals:

1.  Continue to work at memorizing Psalm 19:7-11.
2.  Read 1 chapter in Essential Virtues.
3.  Exercise 3-5 times.
4.  Plan and cook healthy meals.
5.  Keep up with FlyLady's "Kelly's Missions" for each day.
6.  Keep current with my crafting goals to make items for gifts/possible sale.
7.  Work ahead in Sunday School study.

And here's how last week went:
1.  I have Psalm 19:7-11 mostly memorized.  Verse 8 is still eluding me.
2.  Only got partway through a chapter in Essential Virtues.
3.  Exercised only once.
4.  I did plan and cook healthy meals.  DONE!
5.  I didn't quite keep up with Kelly's Missions for every day, but did accomplish a lot of cleaning in the bathroom and decluttering in the computer room.
6.  Didn't keep up at all with crafting goals.  There were several days when I did no crafting at all.
7.  I did work ahead on my next Sunday School study and plan to continue doing so this week.  DONE!

So I am definitely hoping for a more encouraging week this week!


  1. I'm glad your memorizing is coming along! My husband has our whole church memorizing a chapter of the Bible each month this year, so I've been having to work my rusty brain again. It's exciting, though! Next month it's ladies against the men! ;)

  2. Wow, that is quite a goal for your church memorizing a chapter of the Bible each month! I like the idea of adding some friendly competition to it as your church is doing. Awhile back some of our church folks were trying to memorize a chapter at a time -- in fact, between us we were trying to see how many chapters of the book of John we could memorize. We managed five or six of them, I think. It was great!


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