Saturday, July 25, 2009

Back-on-Track Challenge, Day 19

Here's how things went yesterday:

* Health & energy -- kept up with the Body Clutter Investigator, ate quite well, drank quite a bit of water, got about 21g fiber, and got 7 hours sleep. Managed not to eat dessert even when everyone around me was having ice cream.

* Devotional life -- began the Bible study Becoming a Woman of Grace, by Cynthia Heald; worked on memorizing 2 Peter 1:8-9. Had a good quiet time of reading the Bible and praying.

* Homemaking -- made a schedule for my day. Other than meals and dishes, didn't get a lot else done in the homemaking department. Oh, did 2 loads laundry.

* Creativity -- Spent a few minutes cross-stitching. Helped my granddaughters get started on woven pot holders. Posted in my blog.

So that was day 19 of my challenge. I'm quite pleased with how things went, since it was a very busy day and we had five grandchildren here over the course of the day.

How about you? If you're taking part in this challenge with me, share your thoughts in the comments!


  1. Last summer a friend and I did Cynthia Heald's study called "Becoming a woman of prayer". I really enjoyed the study.

  2. Hi Elisha,

    Thanks for stopping in! I have done the study you mentioned, as well as several of her others in the "Becoming a woman of..." series. They are very good. I find her studies deep and I have to go through them slowly, but always learn a lot from them.

    I'm praying for your nephew.
    God bless,


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