Monday, July 13, 2009

Back-on-Track Challenge, Day 7

Here's how things went on a very busy Sunday:

* Health & energy -- didn't keep up with the Body Clutter Investigator, but ate well, drank quite a bit of water, and got 6.5 hours sleep.

* Devotional life -- worked on memorizing 2 Peter 1:3-4. Read my usual amount in the Bible, but had a shorter prayer time than usual (which is normal for me on a Sunday).

* Homemaking -- failed to make a schedule for my day. Kept up with basics like dishes, etc.

* Creativity -- Finished the second curtain. Got the ruffle gathered, pinned, and basted onto the third curtain. Spent some time planning crafts with a friend for a children's outreach our church is planning.

So that was day 7 of my challenge. I'm fairly pleased with how things went. Even though it was an extremely busy day, I did still stick with eating well and drinking enough water, and did manage to get some creative things accomplished.

How about you? If you're taking part in this challenge with me, share your thoughts in the comments!

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