This past week we were privileged to be able to take a little getaway trip up to the northern part of our state for a couple of days. We stayed at a place where we had stayed before, and had enjoyed very much. Last time we were in cabin 4, which has a nice view of the water but is not directly on the water. This time we were blessed to be able to stay in cabin 3, which is right next to the water. What a treat! I love lakeside or pondside houses, and I always hope that my mansion in heaven will be waterfront property -- because I could never afford it here on earth!
What a blessing it was to be able to get away, even if only for a few hours. Rain was heavily in the forecast, but it held off until late Friday afternoon. God is good! We were able to go for a long walk along the lakeshore in the morning, and Mr. T was able to take a kayak out on the lake in the afternoon. And we spent hours just sitting on the dock -- with coffee and our Bibles in the morning, and, for me, my Bible study in the afternoon and lots of cross-stitching time on the "Snow Angels" picture. It was a truly restful and refreshing time. Other than our walk, we did not leave the property. We just soaked up the beauty -- the fall color is at its peak up there already -- and the peace and quiet. The evenings were cool enough to enjoy a fire in the fireplace. We have said to ourselves several times that this is the most worthwhile $200 we ever spent. We needed to get away that badly! We are very thankful to the Lord for providing for this little respite in the midst of His beautiful creation.
Here are a few photos of our time up north. (The photo at the top of this post was taken on our last morning there. It is the view straight across the lake from the dock.)
This photo was taken on the dock. It shows a little table and chairs located right next to our favorite Adirondack chairs. You can also see our cabin (and its grill, which we didn't use, doing our cooking inside the cabin). You can also see a glimpse of the stone steps leading down to the dock. The small wooden table is used by fishermen as they clean their catch.

There were several pansies springing up in the stone stairway to the dock. Here is one of them. I thought it was a great reminder to bloom where we are planted... even in a situation that doesn't look too comfortable.

Here is one of the bends in the road that we saw on our walk Friday morning. Isn't it a beautiful prospect? It made me think of Anne of Green Gables and how she saw changes in life as bends in the road. And they are so fascinating. One never knows what will lie around the next bend. I'm thankful that the Lord does know, however!

This was the fireplace in our cabin. Isn't it gorgeous? Love that screen.

And last but not least, another view from the dock. This one shows not only the glorious fall foliage but also a pair of loons. How nice it was to hear the loons calling as we drifted off to sleep, as well as during the day.

All in all, a most wonderful time!