Wednesday again! That means it's time for the Hodgepodge, where Joyce poses the questions and
bloggers fill in the answers. It's great fun and also a good way
to come up with an interesting blog post. If you'd like to
join in, just head over to
From This Side of the Pond
and get the questions from Joyce, then answer them on your own blog. Here are the questions for this week:
1. It's the 11th day of the 11th month and bloggers often make lists on
days like today. Let's go with a list of eleven things you're feeling
grateful for today.
1. The fact that God is sovereign, all-knowing, all-powerful and in complete control of this election process and outcome. I'm praying that the truth will be revealed.
2. The fact that God is sovereign, all-knowing, all-powerful and is also in complete control of this "pandemic". He is able to end it instantly if He so chooses. There is nothing too hard for Him. I'm praying that He will resolve it, and the election situation, in a way that brings glory to Himself and points the world to Him.
3. The fact that as we stay our minds on God and the truths of His Word, we will be kept in perfect peace.
4. God's Word and the wisdom and comfort it brings to our hearts as we
spend time in it each day. Want to be encouraged? Start reading
through Psalms.
5. How great I feel on the 40-day sugar fast! Can't believe how much more energy I have.
6. Being able to get out and walk on these glorious fall days! My walking partner broke her arm a couple of weeks ago, but we've been getting out on the warm days and enjoying every moment.
7. A fun phone chat with our granddaughter Emily this morning as we discussed the cross-stitch project we're both working on -- me here, and Emily in Nevada. Local granddaughter Julia is doing the same project, and she and Emily have FaceTime stitch-alongs!
8. Our little cottage! We're so thankful for this little getaway place in the woods
and how peaceful it is there. We still have lots of work to do on it, but we are so, so blessed to have this place. Photo is from late summer.
9. Finally getting the cottage to the point where we can stay overnight there. We've stayed over three nights recently, thanks to the warm weather. If not for that, this not-yet-winterized building would be far too chilly.
10. Time with our friend Charlotte last week at her cabin up north. It was quiet, peaceful, and media-free. We literally sat and watched snow fall. Great fellowship and food -- and I got a lot of crafting done, too, as we chatted.
11. The gorgeous, warm sunny Indian Summer weather we've been enjoying for days now. Most unlike our usual November weather. Photo is from a previous year, but this is how it looks and feels right now.
2. What's something you decided to do or act on at the '11th hour'?
I'm sure there have been many situations like that, but at the moment I'm having difficulty coming up with one that I can remember.
Apparently the Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe contains 11 herbs and
spices. What's a dish you make that calls for exactly eleven
ingredients? Feel free to share the list and/or recipe.
Hmmm ... I'm sure I probably have a recipe like this, but do I have time to hunt it up? Probably not.
One of the handmade cookbooks I often give as wedding gifts
4. Something you remember about your 11-year old self?
I loved sixth grade and my wonderful teacher, Miss Baston. She really sparked my interest in social studies and writing -- and the projects she assigned nurtured her students' creativity in a big way.
I'm in the middle here, holding the toddler and the book. I was 10 in this photo but would have turned 11 the next month.
The 11th of November is Veterans Day in the US of A. This is a day to
honor those who have served their country in war or peace-dead or
alive-although according to the government's website it's largely
intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices.
Memorial Day is when we honor military personnel who died in service to their country.
Share a thought relating to Veterans Day or tell us something about a Veteran you know-love-admire.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Not really random, but during my Bible time this morning, this verse came to mind:
"Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass." (Psalm 37:7)
Seems pretty relevant!
And there's my simple Hodgepodge for this week. Happy Wednesday, all, and keep looking up!