Back last spring, I showed photos of superhero capes I had made for Darrin and Emily. While we were in Nevada, their younger brother Elliott celebrated his 2nd birthday. Darrin thought that a fine gift for Elliott would be his very own superhero cape, as he and Emily call their little brother Super Elliott-Mouse.
I got busy before we left and made a cape. This pattern -- Clever Little Cape
-- is the best. So easy and comes out so cute. I used vintage fabric from my mother's stash for this one. Here's the cape:
With a mouse embroidered on the inside:
A closer (if blurry) look at the mouse:
A closer look at the emblem on the back.
Interestingly, Elliott's birthday cake, made by his mom, ended up matching the cape! She just used up icing colors she had on hand, but isn't it neat how the colors are the same as the cape?

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Elliott wearing the cape, but here he is piloting a boat at the playground:

Super fun!