Wednesday, June 07, 2023

June 7 Hodgepodge


 It's Wednesday again -- and that means it's time for the Hodgepodge -- the linkup where Joyce, at  From This Side of the Pond, asks the questions and bloggers provide the answers on their own blogs.  This week's Hodgepodge questions are kind of all over the place.   Here goes:

1. Tell me something you remember (or if you're not there yet, something you look forward to) about being 35.

I can't look back at my blog for this one! Let's see. My oldest child would have been around 14, my youngest around 6, if I am figuring correctly.  So I was in a busy season of life.  But it was about to get busier in another year when I started working at a local Christian school!

2. Last time you 'burned the candle at both ends'? 

It's truly been a long time.  Probably the latest I would have stayed up would have been the couples' retreat  last October. And then we would have got up quite early the next morning, so yes ... I would say the last time I "burned the candle at both ends" was last fall.

Photo is from the little getaway that accompanied that retreat.  This pond was along our route from our Airbnb to The Wilds of New England.

3. Are you someone with the 'gift of gab'? Elaborate (which shouldn't be a problem if you answered yes teehee).  

I seem to have plenty to say as a writer, but  I don't consider myself at all to have the gift of gab.  Thankfully, my husband has enough for both of us!

My daughters always say that "Dad knows no strangers" and you can tell by his smile that this is so.

4. Do you request a special meal on your birthday, and if so tell us what that meal is? Do you want the same kind of cake year after year or will any flavor work? Do you want cake at all? Growing up were birthdays a big deal in your house? Are they a big deal now? 

I don't request a special meal on my birthday.  We most often celebrate it with my daughter and her hubby and family. Whatever they feel like making is fine with me.  Any flavor of cake would work, or I would skip the cake and go with pie or any other dessert.  For decades, my dad always bought me eclairs for my birthday.

Growing up, we didn't really have birthday parties as such, but we did each get to choose our birthday meal and the kind of cake.  My birthday is in January, so from the age of 10 or so and beyond, I liked to choose a summery meal: hamburgers, potato salad, corn fritters, and iced tea.

5. 'Age is just a number.'..agree or disagree? Tell us why. 

I do agree.  Most days I feel far younger than my chronological age. Sometimes much, much younger.  And then there are those days when I feel 100 ... But those are few and far between.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I have got to get busy listing things in my Etsy shop.  Life has been so busy of late that something has had to fall by the wayside, and Etsy has been that thing.  This week I should be at home every day (other than going out to walk) and hopefully I can get some listings done.

This is one of the books I have to list.  I have two of these.  Plus so many other things -- books, cards, sewing notions, recipe leaflets, and much much more!

And there's the Hodgepodge for this week!


  1. That little Golden book of Prayers for Children looks very familiar. I believe we had one similar to that one. I loved those Little Golden Books. They had so many special ones. Wish I had saved them all. Oh, I love your birthday "picnic" dinner in January! That's a fun idea! And I love that your father brought you eclairs for your birthday! I remember my grandmother used to get eclairs and that was a rare treat for us. Like you, I actually prefer pie for my birthday, apple in particular since it is in September, and that is what my mother always baked for me. But I honestly don't remember what I wanted for a special dinner. I remember by brother Clifford wanted macaroni and cheese with ketchup on it. LOL. I think I just loved everything my mother cooked so it didn't matter. I enjoyed your answers so much. I am scratching my head now to remember me at 35...our 3 sons would have been almost teenagers, well, our youngest would have been 8, but the other two would have been 12 and 14. We were busy in the pastoral ministry, and life was hectic, but good. I am thankful for those years before our family grew up and scattered to the four winds. Gosh, that was a long time ago! Okay, time to get a move on. Have a blessed and wonderful day. I always enjoy visiting here with you.

    1. Thanks for sharing your own memories, Pam. I enjoyed reading them so much!

  2. Oh no! I lost the comment. It was a great one, too. You'll have to trust me on that. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    1. I absolutely do trust you on that, Vee! Your comments are always insightful!

  3. I often rely on my husband to make conversations for us in social settings but then it turns out I can speak just fine on my own. He's just the chattier of the two of us.

    1. Yes, my hubby can talk to anyone. He's definitely the chattier one in our marriage.

  4. That's a great saying about your husband. Sweet. What a sweet old black and white! I love that memory of your father bringing you eclairs on your birthday! Happy week to you!

    1. That saying really describes him to a T! And as I think about it, both of his parents were like that, too. They could talk to anyone.

      The eclairs were such a fun birthday tradition, and one that he kept up for as long as his memory held out.

  5. There are a lot of us Hodgepodgers with chatty husbands : ) I love eclairs and haven't had one in ages. Now I'm wondering where I can get one around here? Hmmm..

  6. A couples retreat sounds like a good time to burn the candle at both ends, and I bet it was worth it! Hope you have a great week!

    1. It was indeed worth it, Kym!

  7. I CAN talk and wrote that I have the gift of gab but compared to my husband, I'm quiet as a mouse. Sometimes I have to remind Mark to let others talk!

    1. Me too. I know just what you mean! My hubby is often prone to repeating stories, too.

  8. I enjoyed your answers....I agree..Sometimes I feel super young and sometimes my body reminds me I'm not (though I'm 54, I definitely feel some aches and don't bounce back as quick.

  9. It's the same at my house - I'm not the talker of the family - it's my husband who talks to everybody and always has something to say. Sometimes he talks too much and other times when he doesn't I get

    Enjoyed your answers.

    1. I get just what you are saying. Same here ...


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