I seldom post on political subjects, but this was just too funny not to share! The incident in question happened a few weeks ago.
One evening around 6:30 or so, the phone rang. I answered it.
Me: Hello?
Them: (Silence)
Me: Hello?
Them: Good evening, ma’am, my name is Angela [my made up name] with XYZ Research [also my made up name]. I’d like to ask you a few questions concerning important issues that folks in your community are talking about.
Me: Okay. (After all, I’m always complaining that these researchers never ask me for my opinion when they take these polls.)
Them: First of all I need to ascertain that you are over 18 years of age and that you are a registered voter.
So I admit to this, then we go through a few more questions. Am I, or have I ever been, employed by a newspaper, or a TV or radio station? Do I hold, or have I ever held, any kind of public office, even at a local level?
Next, Angela asks what county I am registered to vote in. I tell her. She next inquires if I am registered as a Republican, Democratic, or independent voter.
Me: Republican.
Them: Okay, that’s all the questions I have for you today. Thank you very much!
The next day, around 2 in the afternoon, the phone rings again.
Me: Hello?
Them: (silence)
Me: Hello?
Them: Good afternoon, ma’am, my name is Tanya [my made up name] with XYZ Research [also my made up name]. I’d like to ask you a few questions concerning important issues that folks in your community are talking about.
Me: Well, I think I got a call from you folks yesterday. Would you want me to answer the same questions a second time? (Innocently thinking this would not make for very accurate research)
Them: Oh no, ma’am, I don’t think that could have been from us. It was probably a telemarketer. Would you be willing to answer a few questions?
Me: Okay, but...
So Tanya proceeds to ask me the same exact questions that Angela had asked the previous evening. And again, when we get to the question about whether I am registered as a Republican, Democrat, or Independent voter, Tanya is suddenly finished with her questions.
Now, I’m not employed by a research firm. But I find I can come to only one of two possible conclusions:
1) My employment history and my political affiliation are among the important issues folks in my community are talking about;
2) XYZ Research does not want to get the opinions of Republicans.
Which conclusion would you have reached?