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I can hardly believe it is July already. How swiftly the summer is passing! Time to set some goals at the beginning of this new month ...
* Read through the July portion of the One-Year Devotional Bible.
* Complete summer Bible study from Good Morning Girls
* Read 4 chapters in
The Power of a Godly Grandparent
* Continue to implement some of the ideas from the above book
* Finish re-reading
Say Goodbye to Survival Mode
* Begin to implement some of the ideas and strategies from the above book
* Memorize at least 4 Bible verses and review some older ones.
* Add 4 pages to my "What Do I Know About My God?" Scripture notebook
* Keep up with my Sunday School study --
The Heart of a Woman Who Prays
* Exercise or walk at least 20 times.
* Get to bed by 9:45 pm each night.
* Limit sugar.
* Drink enough water each day.
* Keep up with Kelly's missions in homemaking zones of the week.
* Take an overnight getaway with my husband
* Post in my regular blog as often as possible
* Celebrate Christmas in July on my Christmas blog
* Reduce grocery bill by $5 per week consistently
* Spend several hours updating my A-store.
* Do research for setting up an Etsy shop (I've already joined Etsy)
* Make at least a dozen items for sale at craft fairs.
* Write at least 4 encouraging notes to friends and family.
* Clean church and set up for potluck meal
* Make gift tags from last year's Christmas cards.
* Plan and complete several handcrafted gifts for August-September birthdays.
* Sort out and declutter the main floor at my dad's house
And here is
how June went:
* Read through the June portion of the One-Year Devotional Bible -- DONE!
* Work on summer Bible study from Good Morning Girls -- DONE!
* Read 4 chapters in
The Power of a Godly Grandparent -- not done
* Continue to implement some of the ideas from the above book -- done somewhat
* Finish re-reading
Say Goodbye to Survival Mode -- nearly finished
* Begin to implement some of the ideas and strategies from the above book -- not done
* Memorize at least 4 Bible verses and review some older ones -- DONE!
* Add 4 pages to my "What Do I Know About My God?" Scripture notebook -- not done, as I had planned on doing this on the weekends (my daily Bible study only has readings for weekdays). However, I find that I only have time to SOAP the verses on the weekdays so I am using the weekends to do the Bible study questions.
* Keep up with my Sunday School study --
The Heart of a Woman Who Prays -- DONE!
* Exercise or walk at least 20 times -- not done.
* Get to bed by 9:45 pm each night-- not done.
* Limit sugar -- DONE!
* Drink enough water each day -- DONE!
* Keep up with Kelly's missions in homemaking zones of the week -- not done, but I have made a very good stab at it.
* Take an overnight getaway with my husband -- not done
* Post in both of my blogs as often as possible -- sort of done
* Reduce grocery bill by $5 per week consistently -- not done
* Spend several hours updating my A-store -- not done
* Do research for setting up an Etsy shop (I've already joined Etsy) -- not done
* Make at least a dozen items for sale at craft fairs -- not done, though I'm developing some great ideas.
* Write at least 4 encouraging notes to friends and family -- DONE!
* Clean church and set up for potluck meal -- DONE!
* Make gift tags from last year's Christmas cards -- not done yet.
* Plan and complete several handcrafted gifts for August-September birthdays -- not done.
* Sort out and declutter my dad's attic -- not completed; I will need to make one or two more passes through the attic, at least. But I did work at it nearly every day and did get a lot of things out of there and on to new owners or into the trash.