Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day

Today I'm wishing a meaningful Memorial Day to all.  I trust that many of my readers and friends are enjoying, or have enjoyed, a wonderful weekend with family and/or friends.  I know that some are sorrowing today, and my heart goes out to those friends who are overwhelmed with grief and sadness. 

This morning I was reading a post from my blog friend Barbara H. who blogs at Stray Thoughts. She used a graphic which pointed out the meanings of Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, and Armed Forces Day.  I am often confused about these holidays, so I appreciated her sharing the information.  Memorial Day honors those who died in service to our nation.  Veteran's Day honors the living who have served in our armed forces.  And Armed Forces Day honors those who are currently serving in the military.

Barbara also included a quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt, who noted: "Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them."  This idea is something that has been on my heart often as I care for my elderly dad, a World War II veteran.  The men and women who gave up so much, and in many cases, their very lives, for the cause of freedom, are such an inspiration,  and we owe them much.  We should never take our freedom for granted, though many do.  Let's be sure we are showing our appreciation to our veterans, thanking God for the freedoms we enjoy, and praying faithfully for our nation.

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