Wednesday, March 28, 2018

End of March Hodgepodge

Yes, only dreaming of it.  My reality right now is snow and mud.
 Wednesday again -- so it's time for the Hodgepodge with Joyce and friends at From This Side of the Pond.  Head on over, get the questions, and then answer them on your own blog (or in the comments if you don't have a blog).  Then go back over to Joyce's to link up!   Here are this week's questions:

1. What's a word that describes your life? A word you wish described your life?

A word that describes my life:  I'm trying to think of a truly descriptive word and not succeeding.  Scattered, maybe.  Disorganized?  I just have too much to do on a number of different fronts.  And, right now, my physical strength and energy are limited.

A word I wish described my life: effective.

2. Back in my day we ...

... didn't have computers, cell phones, email, the internet, or microwaves.  (And as much as I use, appreciate, and enjoy these conveniences, I think in many ways life was simpler without them.)

3. When it comes to takeout are you more likely to opt for Italian, Mexican, or Chinese food? Does a typical week at your house include takeout?

We haven't ordered takeout in a long time.  If we do, it is likely to be fish and chips from our favorite local seafood place.  We used to get Chinese takeout occasionally, but it's been years.
Image from Photos Public Domain
4. Think about the people you most respect. What is it about them that earned your respect?

They are people whose walk lines up with their talk.  They are actually living out their faith and walking in obedience to God's Word.
Graphic from Baptist Bible Hour
5. What's something your friends might see and say is 'so you'?

It would probably be an item decorated with strawberries in some way.  I have quite a collection of strawberry themed items by now, with pretty much no two alike.  I have bought very few of them for myself.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

If you haven't already seen my post on maple sugaring memories (it's the post just below this one), you might enjoy taking a few minutes to read it.  It's one I've been wanting to write for years!

Detail from a maple syrup tin
And so ends another Hodgepodge.  Happy Wednesday to all!


  1. Some of the things I 'collect' I don't mention to anyone outside my family because once you do people tend to give you lots of it : ) Happy Easter to you!

    1. You are so right! Sometimes you don't even have to mention it; other people just decide for you that you need to collect such and such. Pretty sure that happened to a couple relatives of mine!😁

      Have a nice weekend and a blessed Easter!

  2. I agree with you on our respect for people. And those strawberries! What a great theme to collect. They're always so cheery. Have a blessed Easter.

    1. Strawberries are indeed a fun theme to collect. I basically have no two alike, and have made some serendipitous finds over the years.

      A blessed Easter to you and your family as well!

  3. I definitely think os you when I see any strawberry decor Mrs T.

    1. That's so sweet, Arlene!😊

  4. I love the strawberry items. I agree life is not always easier with the new items...makes me feel a bit more rushed instead of saving time. Reminds me of a children's book I once read to my students. As usual all of your answers resonate with me.

    1. Thanks, Sandy! You should try the hodgepodge sometime, if you never have. It's a lot of fun.

  5. Nice to visit you! I like your answer for someone you respect.

    1. Thanks, Bethany!😊 Please come back and visit any time. There are also many posts in the archives that might interest you.

  6. Great answers...and I had trouble answering a couple of them too. I hope you are continuing to heal and are able to do more each day. Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter Sunday!

    1. Thanks, Debby! I'm feeling better every day, thanks. Still some pain in my hip at times, and I still tire pretty easily, but I'm getting there.

      A blessed Easter to you and your family, as well!😊

  7. Your collection of strawberry-themed items would be a hit here in central Florida. We just celebrated the annual Strawberry Festival in the next town over from us and fresh strawberries are everywhere for purchase at great prices. I enjoyed your post!!

    1. The strawberry festival sounds like so much fun, Terri! Thanks for telling me about it!😁

  8. The maple syrup tin being used as a vase is a cute idea! The graphics on those things is always so pun intended.

    Hope this week finds you doing better than last. I was rolling a tire yesterday and somehow managed to fall and flip over it faceplanting into the soft sand of the driveway. I don’t think that I am too much worse for wear...a mouthful of sand and some “floor burned” cheeks and palms. Ain’t life grand? Ha!

    A blessed Easter~Resurrection Day to you and yours!

  9. Thanks, Vee! I enjoy the syrup tins too. The graphics are indeed sweet.

    I was so sorry to hear about the crazy incident with the rolling tire and the face plant in the driveway. Ouch! Hope you're doing okay today and not feeling much the worse for wear.

    A blessed Easter to you and your family as well!

  10. I love the syrup tin used as a vase too. Why haven't I thought of that before? I agree with you about not telling everyone what you collect. But in my case it's tea cups and I can never have too many!Have a joy filled Easter! Linda


Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my kitchen table! I love company here in my kitchen, so be sure to leave a comment so I'll know you've visited! I'll answer your questions and comments here on the blog unless you request otherwise.