Recently I've sensed God prompting me to temporarily step away from the series on Psalms I've been working through for my Sunday Scripture posts. I wanted to explain a little bit ahead of time about the direction I'm heading, so that others may join me in this challenge if they like.
I guess we could say that what got my thoughts started on this path was a discussion of New Year goals and encouragement back at our church ladies' January meeting. The book Soul Care was mentioned, and how Jesus modeled these important rhythms during His earthly ministry: nourish, rest, connect, protect, savor, and tune in. A copy of this book was given away at the meeting, and I happened to be the fortunate winner of it. I began reading it and learned more about these rhythms. (As with many books, I can't say I would necessarily agree with or recommend every single statement in the book, but I did find it helpful. I recommend as always reading with discernment.)
The next step on the pathway was when a much younger woman asked me to help her grow spiritually and become more of a prayer warrior. When I met with her the first time, I hadn't been 100% sure exactly what kind of encouragement she needed, so I had gathered up a few resources and then decided to add in a copy of Fix Your Focus, a Daily Grace Co. book I've had for awhile.
When I purchased this book I had thought it was more of a Bible study. Since it wasn't exactly what I was looking for, I put it in my bookshelf and sort of forgot about it. When I gathered up the resources to meet with my friend, I took a closer look. Like all Daily Grace Co. publications, this book is gorgeous -- you can see that in the screenshots of it from their site. It's a 52-week guide; each week includes journaling, prayer,
a Scripture meditation (just one verse), gratitude, spiritual growth, a week-at-a-glance checklist, and a gospel-centered affirmation to chew on through the week.
Very interesting! The "spiritual growth" component for each week includes some of the same rhythms modeled by Jesus. No coincidence, I am sure. These are things I need to pay closer attention to.
When I showed the book to my friend, she was very interested so I gave her my copy.
By now, though, I was realizing that my own focus could also use some fixing. I felt led to get another copy of the book so that we could each work through it on our own but discuss it together.
As I talked this over with my husband, an idea began to take form. I'm realizing that no matter how badly I want to do all the Bible studies, I can only do so much in a day. As we talked, I realized the Lord was inclining me away from my time-consuming study of Psalms for a season. Surely, some of my readers would be interested in working through this 52-week guide with me. Since I would be working through it anyway, it only made sense to blog about it and use that for my Sunday Scripture posts.
(I'll still be working on my personal study of Psalms and will write and schedule the posts for future Sunday Scripture posts in 2026. I do have a Psalms post scheduled for this coming Sunday (March 9), but from March 16 and forward I'll be posting about Fix Your Focus.)
Focus, strangely enough, was my word for the year in 2023. You can read about that here.
Yet I feel I need a reminder. Perhaps some of you do, also. If so, you might like to purchase your own copy of Fix Your Focus and work through it along with us. I know that many aren't able to do that, but certainly you can follow along with our Sunday Scripture and glean some blessings and encouragement in doing so.
I'm looking forward to this!
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