Monday, October 05, 2020

Monday musings

Another weekend goes by without a Friday five, so here are a few Monday musings.

Let's see ...

1. Grateful to spend a good part of Thursday with our friend Terry.  It's great she is feeling well enough to get out and about a little bit.  All of the foliage photos on this post  were taken at Richardson's Farm Ice Cream at the edge of the parking lot and along the road.  The ice cream was pretty great, too!  My hubby had pumpkin ice cream; I had a scoop of pumpkin and one of gingerbread; and Terry had warm apple crisp with cinnamon ice cream on top.  All scrumptious.  The ice cream is made right there and Jim is a master at coming up with new and delicious seasonal flavors.  They also sell pies and other goodies, plus apples.

2. Thankful for a 30 Days to Less challenge with Becki over at  Field Lilies.  I've been unofficially participating in this (meaning that I am doing the decluttering and disposing of, but am not taking photos or posting about it every day as Becki is doing) and it has been a huge encouragement -- just the nudge I needed.

3.  Thankful for progress made at our little camp in the past week.  I did quite a bit more cleaning and my hubby did lots with electrical wiring and other tasks.  We ascertained that the apartment-size vintage electric stove still works.  (It's a Monarch and absolutely amazing-looking.  And the owner's manual still exists!)  

 Mr. T also did some maintenance work on the woodstove that will heat much of the camp, and on Saturday he fired it up for the first time.  

This stove was formerly in our kitchen at home, and back in the day our girls used to pull rocking chairs up in front of it to do homework or have their Bible times.  What fun it was on Sunday to see a grandson (who knew nothing of his mom ever doing the same thing) pull up a rocking chair, grab a fleece blanket and just enjoy the warmth of this old stove!

4.  The fun of takeout barbecue from this nifty place: Cardigan Country Store on Friday night.   Mr. T got chicken and I got pulled pork, and then we shared.  Oh, my.  I have never tasted pulled pork like this.  To see the menu, go to the store website and click on Cardigan Country Barbecue.  (If you are local, I think this coming weekend may be the last of the barbecue for this season, so you will want to get there if you'd like to try it this year.)


5.  Spending some good time at our little camp on Sunday afternoon. So much fun to have grandkids stopping by.  I love seeing them run through the woods or wheel into our yard via the dirt road on their bikes.  They are already enjoying this unique and cozy little place far more than I ever did as a child.  I can't even say how delighted I am that God allowed us to keep this property in the family and that He is providing for us to fix it up and make it usable again.

That's it for Monday musings.  How did your weekend go?


  1. The pictures of the blazing trees are just outstanding, Mrs. T. Still mostly green (with tinges of brown) here. How wonderful that your old stove still works and will now serve you in the cabin you're refurbishing. I went back and looked at the pictures in the link above. What a sweet place, and your joy overflows here about being able to share it with your grandchildren. I know you know it, but I'll go ahead and remind you - you are very blessed. :)

  2. Oh my, Mrs.T! The reds are glorious! I enlarged each. and every photo to catch a better look. I'm in a mottled yellow and green holler. My daughter says all the leaves are off the trees in her corner. Yikes!

    Your weekend sounds delightful I don't know whether I'd most enjoy ice cream or a pulled pork sandwich.

    Your cottage is a family treasure. It is wonderful that you have been able to enjoy it once again and that the grands are delighting in it, too. So much better than social media.

    I had a lovely weekend and will be chatting about it in tomorrow's post.

    1. Aren't those photos amazing? I ended up using four of them to make Terry a set of photo coasters from Shutterfly (I had a free offer, and her birthday is October 30). They came out so well.

      That would be a hard choice between pulled pork and ice cream. Glad I got to have both!

      Yes, the cottage is shaping up to be such a relaxing little place. Even though we still have lots to do in fixing it up, we are enjoying every moment we get to spend there.

  3. Glad that you were able to spend time with a treasured friend. I can just imagine how yummy pumking and gingerbread ice cream must be!

    1. They are such delicious flavors! We always enjoy the many seasonal ice cream places near us.

  4. Our weekend was pretty quiet compared to yours Mrs T. we watched football, I did some stitching, church on Sunday and Loved hearing your story of the girls doing their schoolwork by the stove. And now a second generation is enjoying it as well. I know you are going to enjoy your little camp house.

    1. Yes, we are enjoying it so much. There is still a lot to do, but we find it such a relaxing spot.

  5. Beautiful πŸπŸπŸπŸπŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚

  6. Goodness gracious! that was all so wonderful! Loved the trees in full foliage! So beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with us. I would have also like a taste of your pumpkin and/or gingerbread ice cream ...oh my! And the bbq sounds wonderful too. So happy to hear that your family is enjoying your little camp, esp. with the wood stove story. I do hope you are taking some pictures of that as well so we can enjoy it too! Lovely times you are having this fall! God is good!!

    1. Amen! God is indeed so good!


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