Thursday, April 11, 2024

A snippet of a poem


 I found this snippet of poetry on a vintage stationery box.  The stationery (by Brownie, apparently a design called "Sweet Clover")  is long gone and the box is in poor shape.  But this bit of verse is too lovely not to share:

I know a place where the sun is like gold,
And the cherry blooms burst with snow,
And way underneath is the loveliest spot
Where the four leaf clovers grow.

Beautiful, don't you agree?

"Where the sun is like gold" gives a fairly recognizable picture.  "Cherry blooms burst with snow" is a little bit more difficult, but when you realize that cherry trees in bloom often have a snowy look it makes more sense.  Just a pretty, pretty bit of verse that paints a sweet picture for the reader.

Stationery, like so many other things, was so much more meaningful and lovely back in the day. 


  1. It is lovely. Yes, cherry blossoms are like snow!

  2. Yes, it was. We just don't use much stationery anymore. Here are our letters back and forth...our blogs. My friend Sandi over at Dandelion Tea was just writing about this very subject today. I love the picture and the poem above. Thank you for sharing it with us. Delightful.

  3. Yes, very lovely. And our cherry tree is creating quite the "snowy" spectacle on our front yard just this week. So very pretty!!

  4. Oh my goodness. Our cherry tree is bursting forth with snowy blossoms. A lovely description.

  5. Cherry blossoms are in bloom here, and are so lovely!


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