Thursday, April 02, 2015

April, 1953

Here is the April calendar page from the lovely little 1953 Woman's Day calendar I mentioned earlier.  It is so interesting that the days in 1953 fell on exactly the same days of the week as in 2015.

This pretty page depicts apple blossoms, but we will not be seeing (aside from a miracle) any apple blossoms here in our yard during April.  In fact, I hope we don't, because if apple blossoms appeared here in April they would have a very good chance of being frozen.

I will look forward to them, though.  We have a wild apple tree in our yard that sprang from seeds discarded over the bank while making many apple pies.
Our apple tree in a previous year
Closeup of a previous year's apple blossoms
This tree is really getting out of control, but we hate to cut it down.  Not only are its blossoms lovely and fragrant, but the apples really aren't bad either, if we can get them before they drop to the ground.  Ah, apple blossoms -- something to look forward to when spring finally arrives!

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