Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Hodgepodge for January 26


 So it's Wednesday again, and time for the Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond, where Joyce asks the questions and bloggers provide the answers.  Here goes!

1. January 25th is National Opposites Day. 'They' say opposites you agree, and if so is that a good thing? Or do you subscribe more to a 'birds of a feather' philosophy? 

My husband and I are opposites in many ways.   Just for a few examples: I'm an introvert; he never met a stranger.  He can be silly; I tend to not be a fan of silliness.  He loves kayaking; I don't enjoy it.  He enjoys table games involving strategy; I'm useless at strategic games. He loves to hold a newborn; I'm a little wary.   He tends to be very adventurous; I'm much less so.  I do think the attraction of opposites is a good thing, generally.  We balance one another out.  And, of course, there are many things that we do agree on.

With Arielle, just a few hours old, in 2014

Cutthroat game of Cover Your Assets

 2. Something you're glad to have behind you? Something you're glad is ahead of you? 

It seems like my bout with sciatica is behind me.  At least I know what to do if it recurs. Something I'm glad is ahead of me: hopefully this summer our Nevada family will come to visit.  Really looking forward to that!  The last time the whole family was in New Hampshire was 2015, although several of them visited in 2019.

2015 visit to a lighthouse in Maine
Superhero photo shoot, Rumney, New Hampshire 2015

 3. Your favorite hot food? Cold food? Are you a fan of breakfast for dinner? 

I'll answer the easy one first.  We both love breakfast for dinner.   It's very comforting.  

Grandma's Sampler at Cracker Barrel -- breakfast extraordinaire any time of day

Favorite cold food: maybe chicken salad.  Favorite hot food: Let's say meat loaf (or maybe turkey), mashed potatoes and gravy.

I should note that I like hot food to be just that -- hot.  It's a joke in my family that we dish up my plate after we pray, and after everyone else is served.

4. Are you someone who always arrives to appointments/events early or do you tend to run late? Last thing you were late for? 

We tend to be early.  We both subscribe to the "if we're on time, we're late" school of thought.  I can't remember the last time we were truly late for anything.

Image from Pixabay

5. "What good is the warmth of summer without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?" John Steinbeck....Your thoughts? 

I tend to agree.  I wouldn't enjoy living in a place where there was no real winter.  On the really cold days, we do remind ourselves that in the summer when it's in the 90s and terribly humid, we'll be wishing for winter.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

 January's nearly over.  It's pretty sobering to think that one-twelfth of the year has nearly passed.  

And there's the Hodgepodge for this week!  Why not head on over to From This Side of the Pond and snag the questions?


  1. I cannot believe that January is almost over. It has flown by. Hope you have a great day!

  2. You and your husbands opposites sound much like ours. He never meets a stranger and I ignore strangers, etc. His outgoing personality has helped me though to be more open and friendly. We are also breakfast eaters any time of the day or night. Enjoyed all your answers this week, and love seeing pics of the grandkids and all that gorgeous snow.

  3. My husband is also an extrovert whereas I could go days without people.

  4. I'm glad your sciatica is behind you- I've developed some while pregnant and yikes it is not fun. I loved your snow pictures!

  5. Oh, I'm so glad your sciatica is gone! That's a real blessing! I enjoyed your answers. Funny, I am probably opposite of you and my hubby tends to be the opposite of me in many areas. But we balance each other out, and I guess that's why God put us together. I enjoyed your pictures. Love seeing the family around the table playing games. I miss doing that. It's been a while. We love breakfast for supper every so often, but then we love breakfast for breakfast too! LOL. Enjoy your winter scenes. It's cold here, but still no snow! It is Florida, after all!! But we are thankful not to have to shovel snow and scrape ice. Been there and done that. But I wouldn't mind one good snowstorm a year just for the fun of it. Take care and enjoy it for me!

  6. Ouch, sorry to hear about your Sciatica. Glad you are better! Your winter photos look similar to ours but I don't think we generally have as much as you! Happy Hodgepodge to you.

  7. Delightful to read your answers
    I agree, breakfast for dinner is comforting.

  8. I loved your answer "he's never met a stranger". I'm more extroverted than my hubby most of the time. We also say that about "if you're on time, you're late".


Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my kitchen table! I love company here in my kitchen, so be sure to leave a comment so I'll know you've visited! I'll answer your questions and comments here on the blog unless you request otherwise.