As usual, there's no time for a long post, but
I'm taking a few minutes to join Sandra for this link party over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
The Weather:::
It's 32º and cloudy, with fine snow flurries in the air, at 11 am. 20 mph wind so it feels like 20º.
As I look outside my window:::
We got snow on Saturday night so there is now more snow on the ground in the woods and a messy driveway that's a combination of frozen snow and mud. (My hubby just scraped it down but it would make too much of a mess to actually plow it.) Snow flurries in a cloudy sky.
Right now I am:::
on a blog post.
Thinking and pondering:::
About my Sunday Scripture series. I'm still not sure how well it's working with this new study, but I hope that it's edifying to someone.
And also continuing to ponder on how crucial it is to have our spiritual armor firmly in place. How easily Satan can delude us if we don't pay attention.
On my bedside table:::
A lamp, 2 books a mint, and a pen
Listening to:::
Literally, silence. The furnace blower. And the occasional gust of heavy wind.
On the Breakfast plate:::
do intermittent fasting so don't have breakfast. Lunch will be a salad of leaf lettuce, cubed turkey, Swiss cheese, avocado and maybe some grape tomatoes.
On the dinner plate:::
Egg bake, bacon, and maybe some broccoli.
On the menu for this week:::
A few meals on my menu plan:
Hamburgers, roasted Brussels sprouts
Chicken divan
Taco pie, green beans
On my reading pile:::
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, by John Cross.
We're reading this one in the car and it is excellent. A dramatic and refreshing change from The Real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. which we finally finished.

On my to do list today:::
Spend time cross stitching
Write some thank-you notes
Possibly go grocery shopping
Call a couple of friends to see how they are doing
Go for a walk downtown
Do some planning for later in the week
Type up some info for my hubby to email out to folks √
Work on a couple of blog posts
Work on my Sunday School lesson
Crochet a square for my temperature blanket
Plans for this week:::Etsy listings, especially some children's books with spring themes
Take a bag to the thrift store
Work on Sunday School lesson 22
Get started with an exercise regimen
Begin some serious decluttering
Start a pillow quilt
Do some cleaning at my volunteer job
Go out to breakfast with our friend Terry
What I am creating:::
⛄ January cross-stitch sampler, plus another wintry cross-stitch intended for a gift
⛄ Some
"condensation catchers" out of old towels to place behind toilets that sweat in the humidity -- no, I still haven't
started those! 😕 And I need to do so, because the old towels are just
sitting around waiting to be used! And also because we keep getting
sporadic warmer weather and I half expect the toilets to start sweating
⛄ An older unfinished dishcloth in a more challenging pattern
⛄ Need to start a pillow quilt
⛄ A granny square temperature blanket
Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:::
I've been making my way through Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth's wonderful and challenging book,
Adorned. It's one of those books where I could easily underline nearly every word. I have believed and shared for many years that there is no dividing line in our lives between the secular and the sacred. Every bit of life is to be lived to the glory of God and as a service to Him, whether it's teaching Sunday School or cleaning a toilet. I will just share this snippet from Nancy that encouraged me:
"Wherever we are at this moment is a sacred place, and whatever He has given us to do is sacred service ... There is simply no hard dividing line between the sacred and the secular in our lives, no special compartment for those pieces and parts of life that pertain to our faith, with everything else in another, separate compartment.
"We each possess a holy calling, a high calling, one worthy of our awe-inspired devotion to God and His will. And we flesh out this calling each day by honoring Him with lives that reflect His character and exemplify our grateful, loving surrender to Him." -- Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth,
Adorned, page 96.
On my prayer list:::
Friends & family
Church family
Our country
And there's the Happy Homemaker Monday for this week!
Had a nice time visiting. hummm... have you ever mentionned what your volonteer job is? Have a great week
ReplyDeleteAlways enjoy your Sunday posts! I also just
finished Nancy book wonderful .. much wisdom.
I am reading Nancy De Moss Wolgemuths’ ‘Incomparable’ right now, and listening to her broadcast of it on the radio. Doing both really helps to take it all in. Excellent writer and speaker. We are also doing her ‘Brokenness’ study in our ladies Bible study this spring.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy these... I liked how you described what you are listening to.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Week.
I love the quote from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. The thought isn't new, but she puts it so well. Glad you included that, Mrs. T.