Friday, August 09, 2024

Friday five, vacation edition


 Today I thought it might be fun to do a quick Friday five just sharing a few blessings from our recent vacation.  So here goes!

1.  Time in God's creation.

We met up with friends at Table Rock State Park in South Carolina, which is where the two photos above were taken.

Sunrise from the wraparound porch of our Airbnb, above.

Both of the above photos are scenes from the Blue Ridge Parkway.

2.  Time with family.

 Scenes above from our Airbnb in North Carolina.  We were blessed to be able to have a farmhouse large enough for us, and our NH daughter's family, to all stay together comfortably.  We were even able to have Nevada granddaughter Emily with us for a short time.  Above you see cornhole on the porch on a rainy afternoon.

More grandkids posing in Mount Airy, NC.

3.  Time with friends.

In addition to our meet-up with friends in SC, Mr. T and I  spent two nights near the end of our vacation in this guest cottage where we enjoyed a visit with our good friends Judy and Tom in Pennsylvania.

4.  Time for fun.

Looks like Mayberry!

In a little town in PA, we discovered this little free greenhouse, modeled on the little free library idea.

5.  Safety traveling hundreds of miles.

This is in Greencastle, PA.


Where would anyone feel safer than next to Andy's squad car?

So there you have it -- a very simple Friday five.  More about our vacation next week, I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! That looks like a great vacation! Especially that you got to be with family and friends and even visiting Andy of Mayberry!! It all looks so lovely! What a great way to take a vacation! Looking forward to hearing more about it.


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