Here are just a few photos of some of the recent crafting taking place in this house. The grandkids have accomplished more than I have!
My 9-year-old granddaughter embroidered this picture.

And my 7-year-old granddaughter embroidered this one.

The kit contained 3 designs and was sent to the girls by their Auntie JoJo. They had so much fun with this kit, which taught the running stitch and also the technique of coloring the design with crayons, heat-setting it, etc.
For quite some time now, as I mentioned in a previous post, I've been wanting to sew a swiffer cover for wet mopping. Those crocheted ones I made work great for dry mopping, and I think I mentioned that they are supposed to be reversible so the smooth side can be used for wet mopping. It just seemed to me that I wanted a cover which was thinner and flatter for wet mopping. I found a pattern here:
Swiffer Cover
but just never had time to sew one. Plus, it calls for terry cloth and I didn't have any more towels that I wanted to give up. Our Walmart is going out of fabric, and I doubt they had terry cloth to start with. But I did find in Walmart a nice, thin terry cloth kitchen towel for only $1 and it seemed to me that would work very well.
It did! Here's the cover, just flat, before adding buttons and buttonholes.

Here it is in place on the swiffer, button side up.

And here again, only now you can see the side that will be in contact with the floor when mopping.

I'm pleased with this cover and am going to buy a second $1 towel for the second cover. I like the idea of having two so there is always a clean one ready when I need to mop.
And here's another whimsical, very casual project which I just put together. I'm sure I could have made it better had I taken more time to think about it, but this will serve the purpose.

Can you guess its purpose? Yes, it's a little bag to hold Scrabble® tiles. Last week we had family members visiting from Florida and had them over for supper along with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law who live locally. My sister-in-law brought along her Scrabble game, which, like ours, is the large turntable version. Only hers (found at a yard sale) lacked the bag to hold the tiles so she was using a very worn paper bag to serve the purpose.
I decided she needed something a little nicer. I modeled this bag after the one that came with our Scrabble game -- it is gray plastic, but my sister-in-law is a Coke® collector, and I had this fabric on hand, so it seemed meant to be!

Hope you have enjoyed this look at our simple craft projects!