Saturday, April 09, 2011

Quote for today

I recently copied this encouraging quote onto a pretty file card and tacked it up over our bathroom sink. This is something I need to keep before me every day!

"If we know God, we do not need to know why He allows us to experience what we do. He is not only in control of the universe and all its facets but also of our lives; and He loves us. Though His ways are sometimes beyond our comprehension, we should not criticize Him for His dealings with us or with others. God is always in control of all things, even when He appears not to be."
~ Charles Ryrie

Hope this encourages someone else today as it has encouraged me!


  1. Amen & thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Hi ladies,

    I'm glad the quote was a blessing to you. It sure has been to me.

    Have a wonderful day!


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