Finally on the last day of January I can post a list of goals for the year. It seems to have taken me this long to find a few quiet moments to reflect on 2011 and to think through my goals for 2012. I used the goal-setting questions from to get my thinking going. They suggest five categories and so I have chosen to use those as well.
The first is PERSONAL GROWTH. I want to work (again) on the character qualities of perseverance, unselfishness, and self-control. There's been progress in each of these, but I have a long way to go. I want to grow (even more) in the area of trusting God in every circumstance. Again, there's been good progress but I can learn to make trust my first response rather than my second one. I'd also like to begin a Scripture memory program, read more books, and continue working on Bible studies. It seems to me that nurturing creativity is part of personal growth -- at least for me -- and to that end, I want to spend time crafting, both for gifts and for my home. And I want to persevere in finishing what I start!
The second category is PHYSICAL HEALTH. For this category, I would like to exercise between 3 and 5 times per week, get enough sleep, drink more water, and cook and eat with health in mind.
The third category is MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE, which includes homemaking. I would love to declutter the entire house this year. (That had been a goal last year that didn't get met.) I also want to take advantage of time with my husband, planning regular date nights and periodic getaways. We are anticipating a visit from faraway family this year, so I also want to plan carefully for their visit.
Fourth category: MONEY MATTERS. I would like to spend less on groceries this year. To bring in a bit of extra income, I am considering selling some items at craft shows and fairs this fall. For that to happen, I must craft extra items each month, so I am thinking I will make a dozen or so items monthly. Another eventual goal is an Etsy shop. I also could put much more time and effort into my A-Store. Decluttering may also reveal some items we could sell.
Lastly, RELATIONSHIPS OUTSIDE THE HOME. I would like to be more of an encouragement and help to my aging mother-in-law and my dad. I would also like to be more of an encourager to my friends and to the ladies in my Sunday School class.
Several of my friends are setting weekly goals in order to help them reach their yearly goals. This sounds like a good idea to me and makes those big goals much more doable by breaking them down into smaller parts. So here are a few goals for my week:
1. Memorize Psalm 119:1-5.
2. Read 1 chapter in Essential Virtues.
3. Exercise at least 3 times this week.
4. Plan healthy menus.
5. Spend 1 hour decluttering in computer room.
6. Craft items for possible sale/gifts.
7. Write a note to faraway children/grandchildren.
Thursday 6 and Thursday Thankfulness...
6 hours ago